99% Taurine Powder

Poudre de Taurine à 99%

CAS non. Numéro de téléphone :107-35-7

Analyse :99%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre cristalline blanche

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre de La Taurine?

    La Taurine, également connue sous le nom d’acide β-aminothanesulfonique, a d’abord été isolée de la bile des taureaux. Il est chimiquement stable, insoluble dans les solvants organiques comme l’éther, et un acide aminé non-protéique contenant du soufre. Taurine produit pur est un cristal blanc ou poudre cristalline, inodore, goût légèrement acide, et neutre, solution diluée stable à la chaleur. La Taurine existe sous forme libre dans divers tissus et ne participe pas à la synthèse des protéines animales.


    La Taurine a un large éventail d’utilisations et peut être trouvée dans de nombreux ingrédients en poudre de lait, boissons fonctionnelles, aliments santé, gouttes pour les yeux et produits de soins de la peau. La Taurine peut protéger la rétine, antioxydant, favoriser l’immunité, favoriser le développement intellectuel et prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires.


    vert La technologie de printemps fournit la poudre de Taurine de 99% de la population, qui a la représentation stable, la bonne solubilité, la basse teneur en humidité, et peut prolonger la période de stockage. Il a été largement utilisé dans les aliments et les boissons, les aliments pour animaux et d’autres domaines.


    Fondée en 2000, Green printemps Technology est une société de biotechnologie leader en Chine dédiée à la fourniture d’ingrédients naturels pour la nutrition alimentaire, les soins de santé et les cosmétiques. Nos produits sont conformes aux normes ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et aux normes les plus élevées en matière de résidus de solvants. vert printemps A obtenu de nombreux certificats tels que Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000, et ainsi de suite.



    Nom du produit


    CAS non.




    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre cristalline blanche

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005



    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?



    Taurine can reduce intracellular mitochondrial redox stress and free radical production. It enables the mitochondria to work properly and produce sufficient ATP in time for the body to supply energy, thus improving athletic performance. Taurine is often added to sports drinks to improve fatigue and reduce exercise capacity after strenuous exercise.


    Weight Loss

    A new study published in the journal Nature shows that N-acetyl taurine, a metabolite of taurine, can reduce food intake in both obese and normal mice, resulting in weight loss. The researchers said that although the study is still in the animal experimental stage, humans and mice share the same N-acetyl taurine-sensitive PTER motif, and it is expected that N-acetyl taurine-based PTER inhibitors will be explored in the future for the treatment of obesity caused by overfeeding.


    Muscle Conditioning

    One of the main reasons why taurine is widely available in sports drinks is its ability to mitigate muscle cell damage, especially oxidative damage brought about by accelerated metabolic processes. For example, Thirupathi (2018) demonstrated in a study in a mouse model that, following the administration of taurine, membrane potential was reduced to slightly above normal levels, and hydrogen peroxide, phospholipids peroxide, DNA damage, and damage to muscle fibers were all attenuated.


    Other animal studies also point to the possibility that taurine may enhance the catalytic efficiency of muscle cell mitochondria during endurance exercise, and reduce oxidative muscle damage but also promote fat burning. However, long-term, low-dose overdose of taurine may impair muscle strength (grip strength/body weight ratio), and this loss is especially pronounced in castrated mice.


    Increase Strength

    Taurine supplementation can directly increase muscle taurine levels and increase muscle strength. Numerous experiments have shown that 2 weeks of Taurine supplementation increases Taurine levels in the fast-contracting muscles of rats, resulting in more force production, less fatigue, and enhanced muscle function during recovery. Experimental mechanistic studies have shown that when the muscle is stimulated, taurine releases more calcium (within the muscle cell), which directly causes more frequent and rhythmic muscle contractions.


    Restore Physical Performance

    Scientific studies have shown that Taurine is a powerful antioxidant, as well as a cell membrane stabilizer. Exercise stress damages muscle cells through several different mechanisms, including oxidative stress; the antioxidant properties of taurine can ameliorate these adverse effects of training. Taurine has also been shown to moderate the inflammatory symptoms that result from cellular damage. Based on the self-protective properties of taurine, studies have shown that this supplement can prevent exercise-induced muscle damage and speed related muscle recovery.


    For Healthcare Products:

    Taurine in the body can mainly regulate osmotic pressure and protect the stability of cell membrane structure. Recent studies have shown that a certain level of taurine can maintain the normal function of skeletal muscle, in which taurine mainly acts to promote the Ca2+-dependent excitation-contraction process, which helps regulate the cell volume and helps the cells resist oxidative stress.

    At the same time, taurine has a promoting effect on human endurance. By taking different doses of taurine (1-6g) orally, the endurance performance of the body can be significantly improved and the body's ability to resist fatigue can be enhanced. The taurine powder is an ideal raw material for fatigue-delaying functional drinks.


    For Feed Product:

    Adding taurine to the ration can promote the growth performance of livestock, and improve their antioxidant and anti-stress ability. It also enhances body immunity, promotes intestinal health, and is anti-inflammatory. Adding taurine to the diet can increase the body weight and feed conversion rate of broilers, and reduce serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and total liver cholesterol.


    Adding taurine to aquatic animal diets can effectively improve the adverse effects of high-carbohydrate diets, improve their growth performance and antioxidant capacity, improve vision, regulate lipid metabolism, and promote intestinal health. In addition, taurine is an important component of cat diets. When taurine is deficient, cats' vision, reproductive ability, central nervous system, and heart function will be seriously affected.

  • Poudre de Taurine de 99% COA

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Fucoidan poudre 85%


L poudre de Taurine

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