Centella Asiatica extrait Total triterpènes 80%
Source:Centella Asiatics
Ingrédients actifs :Total triterpènes
Spécification :Asiatoticoside:≥40.00%
Madecassoside &; Asiatocoside B::≥40.00%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
- Description Description
- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ce que Centella Asiatica extraire triterpènes totaux 80%?
L’extrait de Centella asiatica est l’ingrédient actif obtenu en extrayant l’herbe entière séchée ou l’herbe entière enracinée de Centella asiatica (L.) Urbain de la plante dicotylédoneuse Umbelliferae Umbelliferae. L’extrait de Centella asiatica contient principalement une variété de triterpénoïdes, parmi lesquels Asiaticoside, C48h78o19, Madecassoside, Brahmoside, Brahminoside, Thankuniside, Isothankunside et Centelloside. Asiaticodiglycoside, etc., sont des saponines pentacycliques triterpénoïdes.
Récemment, il a été rapporté que de nouveaux triterpénoïdes ont été identifiés dans l’extrait de Centella asiatica, la saponine B de Centella asiatica, la saponine C de Centella asiatica, la saponine D. de Centella asiatica il ya également une variété de triterpénoïdes libres dans Centella asiatica: acide asiatique, C30h48o5, acide brahmique ou acide Madecassic, acide Isothankunic, et acide ternomilique acide madasiatic, acide centique, acide Centoie, acide cenellique, acide indocentique, acide 6-B-Oh-Hydroxyasiatic, et ainsi de suite. Acide ternomiliqueacide madasiatique, acide centique, acide Centoie, acide cenellique, acide indocentique, acide 6-B-Oh-Hydroxyasiatic et ainsi de suite.
Fournitures de technologie de printemps vertCentella Asiatica extrait Total triterpènesLa poudre de 80% est uniforme et fine, stable dans la nature, avec la bonne solubilité. Aucun résidu de pesticides, de résidus à faible teneur en solvants ou de métaux lourds ne sont sous la pharmacopée européenne, la pharmacopée japonaise ou la pharmacopée américaine.
Nous organisons notre production selon les normes de qualité ISO, HACCP et autres, et avons un processus de contrôle de qualité interne rigoureux, dans lequel chaque processus de production est surveillé et testé pour s’assurer qu’il répond aux normes de qualité. vert Le printemps a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, et beaucoup d’autres certifications. Nous pouvons personnaliser une variété d’extraits standardisés et proportionnels, et fournir des rapports de test tiers faisant autorité.
Nom du produit
Extrait de Centella asiatique
Nom Latin
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
Centella asiatique
Ingrédients actifs
Total des triterpènes
Madecassoside &; Asiatocoside B::≥40.00%
Méthode d’essai
Poudre jaune clair
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Centella Asiatica extract contains Asiatic acid and Madecassoside, these active saponins will acidify the cytoplasm in plant cells, this antimicrobial activity protects the plant itself against molds and yeasts, experiments have shown that Centella Asiatica extract has a certain degree of inhibition against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Propionibacterium acnes.
Centella Asiatica Glycoside has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect: it reduces the production of pro-inflammatory mediators (L-1,MMP-1), improves and repairs the skin's own barrier function, thus preventing and correcting the skin's immune dysfunction.
Healing Wounds and Scars
Centella Asiatica Glycoside and Hydroxy Centella Asiatica Glycoside are the active ingredients of Centella asiatica herbal medicine for treating burns and healing wounds, which can promote collagen synthesis and neoangiogenesis in the body, stimulate the growth of granulation and other important effects, so it is beneficial to wound healing. At the same time, Centella asiatica glucoside has a proliferative effect on epidermal keratinocytes and vascular endothelial cells. It has an inhibitory effect on fibroblasts, thus promoting the formation of granulation tissue in the early stage of wound healing and inhibiting scar formation in the late stage of wound healing.
Centella Asiatica glucoside at a certain concentration of vascular endothelial cells can promote the synthesis of KGF-2 mRNA, thus exerting the role of KGF-2 to promote the proliferation of keratinocytes, differentiation, chemotaxis, and healing of wounds, and indirectly promote the role of the generation of granulation tissue, the formation of a benign cycle of wound healing.
Centella Asiatica extract promotes the synthesis of collagen I and III, as well as the secretion of mucopolysaccharides (e.g. sodium hyaluronate synthesis). It increases the skin's water retention level, activates and renews skin cells, and soothes, lifts, and glows the skin.
On the other hand, through the DNA alignment test research found that Centella Asiatica extract also has the activation of fibroblast genes, which can enhance the vitality of the skin's basal layer of cells, maintaining the skin's elasticity and firmness, and smoothing the face of fine wrinkles. Some studies have shown that a combination of 0.1% Hydroxy Centella Asiatica Glycoside and 5% Vitamin C can effectively improve skin aging.
Centella Asiatica Glycoside, Centella Asiatica Acid, and Hydroxy Centella Asiatica Acid all have significant antioxidant activity. Animal experiments have shown that Centella Asiatica Glycoside induces a significant increase in the levels of local antioxidants such as peroxidative dismutase, glutathione, catalase, VitChing, VitE, etc., and decreases the levels of lipid peroxides by 7-fold in the wound at the early stage of wound healing. In addition, Centella Asiatica Glycoside is also a good blocker of apoptosis-inducing cells and has a significant biological effect on apoptosis-inducing radicals in tissue cells by decreasing the concentration of oxygen free radicals in tissue cells.
Asiaticoside can dose-dependently inhibit tyrosinase activity, with 4μg/ml Asiaticoside on tyrosinase inhibition rate of 4%. The effect of hyperpigmentation treated with Asiaticoside cream is significantly better than that of hydroquinone cream, and the incidence of adverse reactions is significantly lower than that of the latter, but the onset of action is slightly slower than that of the latter.
In Cosmetics:
Centella Asiatica extract can be used in cosmetic products such as whitening and antioxidant, anti-acne and anti-inflammatory, and scar repair due to its various skin care bioactivities.
Shampoo Products:
Centella Asiatica glycoside has estrogenic effects and can stimulate hair growth rate, so it can be used in shampoo at a dosage of about 0.5%.
Centella Asiatica extrait Total triterpènes 80% COA
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