Chamomile Flower
Chamomile Flower Extract

Extrait de fleur de camomille apigénine 98%

Source:Matricaria chamomilla L. fleur

Ingrédients actifs: apigénine

Spécification :98%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre jaune clair

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

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  • Qu’est-ce que l’extrait de fleur de camomille apigénine?

    L’extrait de camomille est l’extrait complet séché de camomille Matricaria recutita L., de la famille des Asteraceae, avec des champignons anti-inflammatoires, inhibiteurs, antispasmodiques, etc. Extrait de fleur de camomille apigénine est un extrait standardisé contenant 98% d’apigénine, qui est utilisé dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, nutraceutiques et cosmétiques.


    Fournitures de technologie de printemps vertExtrait de fleur de camomilleApigénine 98% résidus de solvants, métaux lourds, plastifiants et résidus de pesticides suivant EP, USP, JP, et d’autres normes internationales.


    Fondée en 2000, Green Spring Technology se consacre à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Les produits que nous offrons sont fabriqués selon les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, en conformité avec ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et les normes les plus élevées de résidus de solvants. Nous avons un système systématique de gestion de la qualité et organisons la production en stricte conformité avec ISO, HACCP et d’autres normes de qualité. 


    Avec 7 certificats et 7 brevets, les produits de Green Spring sont vendus dans plus de 62 pays, au service de plus de 2450 clients. Ils sont certifiés Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO.



    Nom du produit

    Extrait de fleur de camomille

    Nom Latin

    Matricaria chamomilla L.

    CAS non.

    Téléphone: 520-36-5


    Fleur de camomille

    Ingrédients actifs




    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre jaune clair

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

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    Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medicine, and its anti-inflammatory effect has been proven by modern research. In in vitro experiments, apigenin in chamomile extract interfered with leukocyte adhesion in human endothelial cells up-regulated their adhesion proteins, and could inhibit interleukin-1 (IL-1)-induced prostaglandin conjugation, tumor necrosis factor-induced production of IL-6 and IL-8, and lipopolysaccharide-induced production of IL-6.


    In vivo experiments showed that aqueous extracts of chamomile flower were able to inhibit the inflammatory response and leukocyte infiltration induced by injections of carrageenan and prostaglandin El in rats. Its ethanol extract externally can improve the edema of the inner surface of the rat ear; its volatile oil on the egg white caused by rat foot swelling, cotton ball implantation method caused by rat granulomatous hyperplasia, and xylene caused by the mouse ear swelling, acute inflammation, chronic inflammation and acute inflammation induced by swelling, exudation have different degrees of inhibition. Chamomile contains β-erythromycol and matricarboxylic acid, which are anti-inflammatory, probably by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2.


    Anti-Inflammatory and Calming

    Chamomile Flower Extract is a good moisturizer that increases the moisture content of the skin and improves dryness and roughness. It forms a moisturizing film that locks in moisture and improves the skin's ability to retain moisture.


    Lowering Blood Pressure, Blood Lipids

    Chamomile extract has a hypoglycemic effect on normal mice and can improve glucose tolerance in normal mice. Chamomile extract can inhibit the activity of rat lens waking sugar reductase, late glycosylation end-products, dibenzyl bitter cool radicals, and inhibit the accumulation of sorbitol in the lens of rats under high glucose conditions. The ethanol extract has significant hypoglycemic and protective effects on membrane island β-cells and improves oxidative stress associated with hyperglycemia. Chamomile has a certain regulatory effect on blood pressure, given to spontaneously hypertensive rats chamomile extract, gavage for 4 weeks after the blood pressure was significantly reduced. Chamomile flower aqueous extract can reduce high blood lipid levels in hypercholesterolemic rats, significantly inhibit intestinal absorption of glucose, and reduce lipid damage to the liver and kidney.



    Stanojevic et al. conducted a DPPH radical scavenging assay and found that the scavenging ability of chamomile extract was increased, while the concentration of chamomile volatile oil increased. The highest antioxidant activity (about 74%) was achieved after 90 min, with an EC50 (Half Effect Concentration) of 2.07 ± 0.02 mg/ml. While the synthetic antioxidant, butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT, had an EC50 value of 0.021 mg/mL.


    Although BHT is superior to chamomile volatile oil in antioxidant activity, it is synthetic and not safe and mild enough.CVETANOVIC et al. compared the antioxidant activity of chamomile flower extracts obtained by Soxhlet extraction, microwave-assisted, ultrasound-assisted, and subcritical water extraction methods. The subcritical water extract of chamomile showed the best antioxidant activity in the DPPH radical scavenging assay (semi-inhibitory mass concentration value IC50 of 0.021 mg/mL) and reducing power assay (EC50 of 0.57 mg/mL).



    In Cosmetics:

    Chamomile extract can improve the oil-water balance of the skin, control the secretion of oil, and clean skin. Chamomile flower extract contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic active ingredients that are anti-allergic and have a restorative effect on skin cells. Many masks, creams, toothpaste, and toners are added to chamomile flower extract to repair the skin .


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Chamomile flower extracts also have biological properties such as antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, insecticidal, antidiabetic, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory. These activities make chamomile in the pharmaceutical and veterinary fields.

  • Extrait de fleur de camomille apigénine 98% COA

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