Ellagic Acid Powder

Poudre d’acide ellagique

Nom de produit :Ellagic Acid Powder

Dosage :40%,90%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: Poudre gris clair

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’acide ellagique?

    L’acide ellagique, également connu sous le nom d’acide gaulique, est un polyphénol végétal qui est un dérivé dimérisé de l’acide gaulique. L’acide ellagique se trouve dans une grande variété de fruits et de noix, tels que les framboises, les grenades, les fraises, les noix et les baies d’lingon. L’acide ellagique naturel se trouve principalement dans la nature sous forme condensée (par exemple ellagitannines /glycosides, etc.). Il est également présent sous forme libre dans les fruits de nombreuses plantes, et sa production à grande échelle peut être réalisée par hydrolyse des tanins.


    Green Spring Technology propose une poudre d’acide ellagique dérivée de galle, qui peut être personnalisée dans une variété de tailles et avec une teneur maximale de 90%. De la matière première à la poudre d’acide ellagique, le processus de production entier peut être contrôlé et tracé. Green Spring surveille strictement les matières premières pour les résidus de pesticides, les résidus de solvants et divers polluants conformément à la pharmacopée européenne, à la pharmacopée des États-Unis, à la pharmacopée japonaise et à d’autres normes internationales. Nous pouvons fournir des rapports des essais faisant autorité de tiers.


    Nom du produit

    Poudre d’acide ellagique

    Nom Latin

    Galla Chinensis

    CAS non.




    Ingrédients actifs

    Acide ellagique



    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre gris clair

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?



    Ellagic acid has a catechol-type phenolic hydroxyl group, which, upon hydrogen abstraction, forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond with another phenolic hydroxyl group, resulting in an o-benzoquinone resonance structure that can make phenoxy radicals more stable. In addition, ellagic acid can prevent the production of free radicals through complexation with metal ions. The chemical properties of ellagic acid give it the ability to quench lipid radicals, thus interrupting the chain reaction of lipid oxidation and exhibiting strong antioxidant activity.



    Ellagic acid and its derivatives have been shown to strengthen the dermal-epidermal junction by increasing the proportion of type VII collagen in keratinocytes and fibroblasts. This reduces wrinkles, firms the skin, regulates skin texture and slows down skin ageing. Ellagic acid can effectively promote the newborn of skin elastin fibres, protect against the degradation of elastin fibre proteins, especially reduce the skin tissue damage caused by prolonged or frequent radiation and ultraviolet irradiation in sunlight, and slow down photoaging.


    Sun Protection

    Ellagic acid was subjected to UV scanning and the results showed that ellagic acid absorbed in all UV regions. In particular, there was a strong absorption at 220nm-300nm, indicating that ellagic acid has a strong absorption of UV. Adding it to cosmetics can prevent the skin from being exposed to too much UV light and reduce the degree of tanning and damage to the skin.



    The polyol contained in the ellagic acid molecule can absorb moisture in the air and keep the moisture on the skin surface, so it can also be used as a humectant added to cosmetics.



    Ellagic acid has a very good inhibitory effect on a wide range of bacteria and germs, protecting wounds from bacterial invasion, preventing infections, and inhibiting ulcers. At the same time, ellagic acid and some ellagitannins show inhibitory properties against human immunodeficiency virus, reverse transcriptase of bird's adult myeloma virus (AMV), and alpha one-cell and beta-cell DNA polymerases. The mechanism of action of ellagic acid differs from that of antimicrobials, which such as mucins or persistent fungicide A inhibit DNA polymerase non-specifically, whereas the antiviral activity of ellagic acid and ellagitannins may be due to their inhibition of cellular adsorption of HIV, and the same may be true for inhibition of reverse transcriptase.



    Ellagic acid is a super antioxidant used in skin whitening to inhibit tyrosinase activity and block melanin production. It has whitening and lightening effects and is especially useful for repairing skin after sun exposure. If you use products with ellagic acid in a state of skin damage and irritation, you can prevent your skin from darkening after sun exposure.


    In the Food Field:

    Antioxidants in food play a role in inhibiting oxidation reactions, can extend the shelf life of food, and help to maintain the colour, aroma, and taste of food. Ellagic acid powder, as a natural antioxidant, can be widely used in meat products, fruit and vegetable products, and other types of food to preserve freshness.


    In Cosmetics:

    Ellagic acid is one of the most effective skin-whitening ingredients recognized by dermatologists. It can be used to whiten the skin, inhibit tyrosinase activity, and block melanin production, which has a whitening and lightening effect. In addition, ellagic acid protects the skin from external damage, blocks tyrosinase activity, inhibits melanin production, and has antioxidant properties. Ellagic acid powders are often used as skin astringents, antibacterial agents, and antioxidants. Ellagitannins shrink pores, improve skin elasticity and radiance, and have antimicrobial properties that can effectively prevent and treat acne.


  • Poudre d’acide ellagique COA

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D panthénol liquide


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