Freeze Dried Pitaya Powder

Poudre de Pitaya lyophilisée

Nom Latin :Hylocereus undulatus Britt

Source: Fruit du Dragon rose

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: Fruit du Dragon rose

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre lyophilisée de Pitaya?

    Le Pitaya est riche en fibres alimentaires, en magnésium minéral, en flavonoïdes, en anthocyanes et en bétalains, en sucres et en petites quantités de vitamines C, B, E, potassium, calcium et fer.


    La poudre lyophilisée de pitaya est une poudre fine obtenue en sélectionnant des fruits du dragon frais et mûres et en les traitant en plusieurs étapes, telles que le nettoyage, le pressage, le filtrage, la clarification, la stérilisation, la concentration, la surgélation et le séchage sous vide à basse température, la pulvérisation à basse température, le tamisage, la pesée et l’emballage, les tests, etc. Le procédé permet de préserver les nutriments naturels d’origine ainsi que la couleur et le goût du fruit du dragon, et peut être conservé longtemps à température ambiante. Ce procédé permet de préserver les nutriments naturels d’origine du fruit du dragon, ainsi que la couleur et le goût, et peut être conservé longtemps à température ambiante.


    La technologie Green Spring fournit de la poudre de pitaya lyophilisée, choisissez des fruits du dragon frais, congelez-les à -45 degrés Celsius pendant 2~4 heures, puis effectuez le traitement de séchage par sublimation sous vide 30~50PA pendant 16~18 heures, et à la fin du processus, nous obtenons la poudre de fruits du dragon lyophilisée avec environ 3% d’eau. Il a un goût pur, une couleur douce et des nutriments complets et a été largement utilisé dans les aliments.


    Fondée en 2000, Green Spring Technology est une principale société de technologie d’extrait d’usine en Chine. Il a obtenu de nombreuses certifications telles que Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000, et ainsi de suite. Green Spring a mis en place un système de traçabilité parfait pour tous ses produits. Elle produit selon les normes ISO, HACCP et autres normes de qualité, et ses produits sont conformes aux normes ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et aux normes les plus élevées en matière de résidus de solvants. 



    Nom du produit

    Poudre de Pitaya lyophilisée

    Nom Latin

    Hylocereus undulatus Britt


    Fruit du Dragon rose

    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre rouge pourpre

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?


    Improve Constipation

    The dietary fibre content of dragon fruit pulp can reach 2~3%, which is higher than apples, pears and oranges. The carbohydrates of dragon fruit are mainly glucose, fructose and oligosaccharides, of which oligosaccharides as well as pectin can not only absorb water in the intestinal tract and promote the formation of stools but also play the role of prebiotics (food for intestinal beneficial flora), stimulate the growth of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which is beneficial to the regulation of intestinal flora. The crude fibre content of the black fruit seeds in pitaya is high, and the crude fibre content of red dragon fruit seeds can be as high as 13% after freeze-drying.


    Cardiovascular Protection

    The black seeds of pitaya pulp contain various enzymes, as well as essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are beneficial to heart health. Plus it contains a variety of antioxidant components, including anthocyanins, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which are effective in scavenging free radicals and preventing hardening of blood vessels.


    Helps Stabilise Blood Sugar

    Dragon fruit can lower blood sugar levels. This may be helpful for people who are pre-diabetic or diabetic. Studies have shown that dragon fruit has a dose-dependent effect on blood sugar control. This means that as dragon fruit intake increases, blood sugar levels decrease. This hypoglycaemic property of dragon fruit may help regulate glucose levels in the blood. However, consuming too much dragon fruit can also lead to adverse effects as it has been found to induce insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to obesity.


    May Help Dengue Patients

    An in vitro study has found that beet anthocyanins from red dragon fruit have antiviral activity against the dengue virus. The computer study also observed an affinity between the compounds in dragon fruit and viral proteins. This is a promising development, suggesting that dragon fruit has the potential to treat dengue. However, more in vivo studies are needed to determine the safety of red dragon fruit for antiviral therapy in humans. Dragon fruit is not scientifically proven as a treatment for dengue and should not be included in the diet without consulting a physician.


    May Help Lower Blood Pressure

    Hypertension is one of the risk factors inducing cardiovascular diseases. Researchers have found that the antihypertensive mechanism of red dragon fruit juice is similar to that of captopril, which reduces RAAS activity by lowering the content of AngII, Ald, and ET-1 in the local and circulating RAAS, thus improving the function of RAAS in renal hypertensive rats, and playing a role in lowering blood pressure and protecting target organs.


    There are also researchers found that supplementation of red dragon fruit or extracted beet red pigment can effectively reduce the index of atherosclerosis, reduce the thickness of the aortic intima-media, repair the endothelial layer of the artery, play a role in protecting blood vessels, for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease has a very important significance. Red heart dragon fruit contains anthocyanins can also effectively prevent vascular sclerosis, thus preventing heart attack and blood clot formation caused by stroke.



    In the Food Field:

    Freeze-dried pitaya powder can maintain its original nutrients, has a long shelf life, easy to store and carry, often used in the production of fruit juice, ice cream, pastries, and other products, to maintain the natural flavor and nutritional value of dragon fruit.


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Poudre de Pitaya rose


Poudre de fruits du Dragon rose

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