Garcinia Cambogia Extract Powder
Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia extrait en poudre

Nom de produit :Garcinia Cambogia Extract Powder

Dosage: acide Hydroxy citrique :50%,60%,70%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre blanc cassé 

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’extrait de Garcinia Cambogia?

    Garcinia Cambogia provient d’un petit fruit en forme de citrouille (également connu sous le nom de Garcinia Cambogia) qui pousse en asie du sud-est et en Inde. L’extrait de Garcinia Cambogia est l’ingrédient actif extrait de la couenne du fruit de Garcinia Cambogia. Le principal ingrédient actif dans l’extrait de Garcinia Cambogia est HCA (acide hydroxycitrique), qui inhibe l’enzyme ATP-Citratelyase lorsque le glucose est converti en graisse dans le corps humain, empêchant la synthèse des acides gras et inhibant la glycolyse. Certaines études ont montré que l’extrait de Garcinia Cambogia peut aider certaines personnes à perdre du poids.


    Green Springs Technology offre la poudre d’extrait de Garcinia Cambogia qui provient de la couenne naturelle du fruit de Garcinia Cambogia, avec une teneur élevée en acide hydroxycitrique comme ingrédient actif. Cette poudre d’extrait de Garcinia Cambogia est testée par un laboratoire tiers indépendant pour les métaux lourds et d’autres produits chimiques nocifs, et la qualité du produit répond aux normes. Des matières premières à la poudre d’acide hydroxycitrique fini, l’ensemble du processus de production est contrôlé et traçable, Green Spring Technology surveille strictement les résidus de pesticides dans les matières premières, et l’essai de divers polluants répond aux normes mondiales.


    Nom du produit

    Garcinia Cambogia extrait en poudre

    Nom Latin

    Garcinia Cambogia

    CAS non.



    La peau de Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

    Ingrédients actifs

    Acide hydroxycitrique


    Acide Hydroxy citrique :50%,60%,70%

    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre blanc cassé avec odeur caractéristique

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?


    Weight Loss

    The weight loss properties of Garcinia Cambogia are mainly attributed to hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which is found in the rind or exocarp of Garcinia Cambogia and accounts for 20-30% of the dry weight. A study reported using 500 mg of HCA fed to obese rats twice a day showed that administration of HCA promoted weight loss and reductions in adiposity, visceral fat, total cholesterol, and blood glucose profiles in rats. The main mechanisms of weight loss action of HCA present in Garcinia Cambogia explored by the researchers are as follows: hydroxy citric acid HCA is a competitive inhibitor of adenosine triphosphate-citrate lyase, an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of citric acid outside the mitochondrion into Oxalacetate and Acetyl CoA, thus limiting the availability of Acetyl CoA, which plays a key role in fatty acid synthesis in carbohydrate-rich diets. Thus, hydroxy citric acid inhibits the synthesis of body fat.


    Reduces Appetite

    Research suggests that HCA, the hydroxy citric acid found in Garcinia Cambogia, may help reduce appetite by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which reduces food intake and body fat gain by regulating levels of serotonin, which is associated with a feeling of satiety, increasing fat oxidation and decreasing the activity of adiponectin. Serotonin is associated with feelings of calmness and happiness, and therefore sometimes suppresses appetite, reducing appetite and cravings for comfort foods. Animal studies suggest that it may also help to increase energy expenditure.


    Lower Cholesterol

    Garcinia Cambogia not only speeds up fat burning and metabolism in the body but also stops fat from accumulating in the human liver area, it improves liver detoxification and also stops fatty liver from occurring. Garcinia Cambogia extract can help lower cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). It can do this by inhibiting the biosynthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol.


    Stabilises Blood Sugar

    Some evidence suggests that Garcinia Cambogia extract may help control blood sugar by improving the way cells absorb glucose (sugar) for energy. One way it may improve weight loss is by inhibiting pancreatic alpha-amylase, changes in intestinal alpha-glucosidase, and alterations in fatty acid synthesis. This may alter the way carbohydrates are metabolized.


    This may help your body respond better to insulin, although it can also increase the risk of hypoglycemia in some people. If you have a history of blood sugar fluctuations, suffer from pre-diabetes or diabetes, or are taking medication that alters the action of insulin, Garcinia Cambogia may cause your blood sugar to drop to dangerously low levels. While this doesn't seem to happen to everyone who takes Garcinia Cambogia, it's another thing to consider and discuss with your healthcare professional.


    For Health Products:

    Garcinia Cambogia extract can regulate the endocrine system, promote metabolism, enhance physical strength and endurance, and play an important role in improving health and delaying aging. In addition, Garcinia Cambogia extract can also lower blood sugar, lipid, and blood pressure, which is effective in preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Garcinia Cambogia extract powder is widely used in the production of health care products and nutritional supplements, such as Garcinia Cambogia capsule, Garcinia Cambogia solution, etc., used to regulate body functions, improve immunity, and so on.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Studies have shown that Garcinia cambogia extract has a variety of biological activities such as antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, which can effectively inhibit viral replication and inflammation. In the medical field, Garcinia cambogia extract powder is widely used in pharmaceutical preparations, such as antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-tumor drugs, etc., for the treatment of various diseases.

  • Garcinia Cambogia extrait poudre COA

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