GHK Cu Powder 99% CAS 89030-95-5

GHK Cu poudre 99% CAS 89030-95-5

Nom de produit :GHK Cu Powder

Analyse :≥99%

Apparence: bleu à poudre pourpre

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre de Cu de GHK 99% de la population?

    GHK-Cu est: G (Glycine Glycine), H (Histidine Histidine), K (Lysine Lysine), les trois acides aminés sont liés ensemble pour former un tripeptide, puis un ion de cuivre est attaché à lui, et puis il devient une poudre de Cu de GHK, et le nom INCI est: Tripeptide-1 cuivre (Tripeptide-1 de cuivre).


    GHK Cu (tripeptide-1 cuivre) est un complexe de cuivre naturellement présent initialement dans le plasma humain, mais plus récemment dans plusieurs sites, y compris la salive et l’urine. Les peptides de cuivre sont de petits fragments de protéines naturellement présents qui ont une affinité élevée pour les ions de cuivre et sont essentiels pour le fonctionnement normal du corps. GHK Cu a une variété de rôles dans le corps humain, y compris la promotion de la cicatrisation des plaies, attirer les cellules immunitaires, ayant des effets antioxydants et anti-inflammatoires, stimulant la synthèse de collagène et de glycosaminoglycan dans les fibroblastes de la peau, et la promotion de la croissance des vaisseaux sanguins.


    GHK Cu poudre 99%Fourni par la technologie Green Spring est une poudre cristalline bleue, qui est purifiée par synthèse de phase liquide, processus de recristallisation, n’absorbe pas l’humidité, n’adhère pas à la paroi de la bouteille, a une bonne fluidité, facile à peser et à stocker. Notre Peptide de cuivre bleu est extrait par la technologie de recristallisation de NCA, la technologie active d’ester, la pureté >99%, bonne stabilité et utilisation élevée.


    Green Spring s’est toujours engagé à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Tous les produits que nous offrons sont fabriqués selon les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, en conformité avec ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et les normes les plus élevées en matière de résidus de solvants. Green Spring a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO et de nombreuses autres certifications. Des rapports de tests de tiers faisant autorité sont disponibles.



    Nom du produit

    GHK Cu poudre

    CAS non.




    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre bleue à pourpre

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?



    When copper peptide GHK Cu Powder enters the skin, it releases signals that induce fibroblasts to become collagen and promote collagen production. At the same time, it carries copper ions into the interior of the cell and releases copper ions when it encounters enzymes, which are very important components in many enzymatic reaction processes. Some in vitro experiments have shown that its ability to stimulate the synthesis of collagen precursors is stronger than that of retinoids, vitamin C and other anti-aging ingredients. However, the effect of wrinkle removal is not as fast as Vitamin A, and you need to use it continuously for a few months before you can feel the effect.


    Repair Damaged Skin

    GHK Cu Powder promotes the growth, division, and differentiation of nerve cells and immune-related cells. It is effective in promoting wound healing and hair growth and repairing damaged skin. Skin with small wounds on the surface of the skin, damaged, sensitive and fragile skin is repaired by using products containing copper peptide.



    Copper Peptide GHK Cu powder can blocks the formation of reactive oxygen species, scavenges all kinds of peroxides, protects keratin-forming cells from UV rays, as well as protects the liver by blocking free radical damage. Therefore, it has antioxidant effect to brighten skin tone, refine skin and prevent skin aging.


    Promotes Hair Growth

    Copper Peptide GHK Cu inhibits 5α-reductase activity and reduces DHT to improve hair loss.  GHK Cu powder can induce a significant increase in the size of hair follicles around the wound, copper peptide analogue can stimulate the proliferation of hair follicle cells, and promote hair growth, so that the growth of cui-ui hair maturity, prevents hair loss. Tripeptide-1 copper can increase the number of newborn capillaries, make the blood vessels diastolic, and help to re-establish blood flow to the injured tissue.


    Professor Loren Pickart observed a significant increase in the size of skin follicles at the edges of skin wounds after treatment with GHK-Cu powder. Further studies of radioisotopes in rats showed that exposing hair follicles to GHK-Cu for a short period increased follicle size by four to eight times and increased hair growth within 12 days.


    Later, Prof Bernard Kalis demonstrated for the first time the positive effects of GHK-Cu powder on human hair follicles. He found that GHK-Cu caused hair follicles to change from the resting phase to the anagen phase. In a three-month study of men, the use of a GHK-Cu-containing hair care product (Tricomin) was found to be effective in increasing hair growth by 32 percent over a control group using 2 percent minoxidil.



    Inflammatory reactions in the scalp cause damage to the hair follicles, and it is one of the factors that lead to the deterioration of the function of the hair follicles and the loss of the ability to produce hair. Fighting scalp inflammation is also very important when it comes to hair care. In an adult fibroblast migration test, Copper Peptide The GHK Cu Powder demonstrated excellent ability. Compared to the normal group, the migration rate of adult fibroblasts using 0.001% GHK Cu Powder increased significantly, which shows that Copper Peptide has excellent repairing ability. When used on the scalp, it can promote scalp health by repairing damaged cells and fighting inflammation.


    In Cosmetics:

    Copper Peptide GHK Cu tightens loose skin and improves elasticity. Improves skin density and firmness. Reduces fine lines and deep wrinkles. Improves skin clarity. Reduces photodamage and spots hyperpigmentation. Strongly increases keratinocyte proliferation. Blue Copper Peptide Kung in the field of cosmetic skin care can play a variety of roles such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-glycolic, etc. GHK Cu Powder is a good cosmetic raw material. Copper Peptide GHK Cu Powder is not only used for cosmetic and anti-wrinkle, but also has the effect of promoting hair growth, wound healing, and so on.

  • GHK Cu poudre 99% CAS 89030-95-5 COA

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99% Peptide de cuivre GHK Cu poudre


Peptide de cuivre GHK Cu poudre 99%

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