l theanine bulk powders

L Theanine poudre en vrac

Nom de produit :L Theanine Powder

CAS No.:3081-61-6

Analyse :98.0%-102.0%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre cristalline blanche

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre de L théanine?

    La l-théanine est un acide aminé libre unique au thé, un acide glutamique gamma-ethyl amide, un acide aminé non protéique du thé. La théanine, également appelée éthylamine d’acide glutamique, appartient au groupe des composés amide. Dans la nature, la théanine est de type l, la théanine pure est des cristaux blancs ressemblant à des aiguilles, qui est l’ingrédient principal du thé dans la naissance de la douceur. La teneur en théanine est d’environ 1 à 2% du thé neuf, et sa teneur diminue avec le processus de fermentation. L théanine A été étudié pour ses effets sédatifs, immuno-stimulants, antihypertenseurs et lipidiques, ainsi que sa capacité à réguler les voies de signalisation neuronale dans le cerveau.


    Le L Theanine poudre en vrac Offert par Green La technologie de ressort est faite par fermentation, le processus est vert, le contenu de produit est élevé et la qualité est stable. vert La technologie de ressort a un système complet de contrôle de qualité, des matières premières à la poudre finie de L théanine En vrac, la production de l’ensemble du processus peut être contrôlée et traçable, et la surveillance stricte des résidus de pesticides dans les matières premières, une variété de polluants détectés conformément à la pharmacopée américaine, la pharmacopée européenne, la pharmacopée japonaise, et d’autres normes internationales.



    Nom du produit

    L Theanine poudre en vrac

    CAS non.




    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre cristalline blanche

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?


    Refreshing and Refreshing

    After being absorbed by the human body, I theanine can also nourish the brain nerves, improve brain function, maintain excitement in the human cerebral cortex, and play a crucial role in refreshing and refreshing the brain. It has a certain regulating effect on symptoms such as mental fatigue, low work efficiency, irritability, and depression in humans. Drinking more green tea containing L theanine in lazy afternoons can help maintain a clear mind and improve work efficiency.


    Weight Loss

    Tea contains a variety of components, including theanine, which has a significant effect on reducing cholesterol in the body.


    Improving Menstrual Syndrome

    Periodic Syndrome (PMS) is a condition in which women experience mental and physical discomfort 3 to 10 days prior to menstruation. The sedative effect of theanine has an ameliorative effect on PMS, and clinical trials have been conducted to prove its effectiveness.


    Stress Relief

    L Theanine has a very significant role in regulating the central nervous system for the human central nervous system, it can improve the function of the central nervous system and can regulate emotions, human anxiety tension depression, irritability restlessness and other symptoms basically have certain roles in relieving the usual daily life of some of the work of the stress or often anxious people are particularly suitable for supplementing the flush of the theanine, which allows the human body to appear in the discomfort of the symptom is very quickly alleviated. Research has proved that l theanine can effectively reduce spontaneous hypertension in rats. Theanine's ability to lower high blood pressure can also be seen as a stabilizing effect. This stabilization helps to recover from physical and mental fatigue.


    Lowering Blood Pressure

    Blood pressure is regulated primarily by increases and decreases in catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the central and peripheral nervous systems.



    Theanine has anti-fatigue effects. The mechanism may be related to the fact that theanine can inhibit the secretion of s-hydroxytryptamine and promote the secretion of catecholamines (5-hydroxytryptamine has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, while catecholamines have an excitatory effect).


    Protecting Nerve Cells

    Theanine inhibits nerve cell death caused by transient cerebral ischaemia and has a protective effect on nerve cells. Nerve cell death is closely related to glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. Theanine is structurally similar to glutamate and competes for binding sites, thus inhibiting nerve cell death. Theanine is used in the treatment and prevention of glutamate-induced brain disorders such as cerebral embolism, cerebral haemorrhage, and other strokes, as well as deficient blood and Alzheimer's disease that occurs during brain surgery or brain injury.


    Memory Enhancement

    Theanine is a free amino acid unique to tea. It is what gives the tea its lively, moist, and sweet flavor. Theanine is most abundant in new tea and decreases with the fermentation process. Research has found that theanine can significantly promote the release of dopamine from the brain center and increase the physiological activity of dopamine in the brain. Therefore it can make people mentally happy, and at the same time will enhance memory and improve learning ability.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Theanine can be used in antihypertensive drugs. Animal experiments show that by feeding high doses of theanine, artificially elevated systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure of rats, there is a significant decrease. In addition, theanine powder is now used as a sedative in the active ingredient, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, conductive nerve dysfunction, and other diseases to prevent the effect.


    In the Food Field:

    As an emerging food additive, theanine powder has excellent processing characteristics and stability and can be widely used in snacks, candies and jellies, beverages, chewing gum, and other foods. Theanine can be used as a quality improver for tea beverages, adding a certain amount of theanine in the production process of tea beverages can significantly improve the quality and flavor of tea beverages. It can be used as an additive to improve the flavor of food.


    Studies have shown that theanine powder can improve the bitter taste of coffee, cocoa, koji drinks, grapefruit drinks, beer, etc., and reduce the astringency of wine, and can therefore be used as a modifier of the flavour of these foods. Currently, Japan has developed chocolates, jellies, puddings, chewing gums, health teas, and various refreshing drinks with theanine added. Theanine powder can be used as an additive for functional foods. Theanine has the ability to enhance the strength of alpha waves in the brain, make people feel relaxed improve memory, etc., and has been tested on human beings. Therefore, in the future, it can be added to food as a functional ingredient to develop functional food that relieves nervous tension and is educational.

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