Poudre de lycopène 5% UV
Nom de produit :Lycopene
CAS non. Téléphone :502-65-8
Dosage: 5%
Méthode d’essai :UV
Apparence: poudre rouge foncé
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
- Description Description
- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ce que la poudre de lycopène?
Le lycopène est le principal pigment des tomates matures et est un caroténoïde sans oxygène. En 1873, Hartsen a isolé pour la première fois des cristaux de lycopène rouge profond de l’igname de baies Tamus communs L. en 1913, Schunk a découvert la différence entre cette substance et le carotène et l’a d’abord nommé lycopène.
Le lycopène est largement distribué dans une variété de plantes, telles que la pastèque, la citrouille, les prunes, les ksimmons, les pêches de poivre, la papaye, la mangue, la goyave, les raisins, le pamplemousse rouge, les canneberges, les mûres, les oranges et d’autres fruits, les feuilles de thé, et le radis, les carottes, etc., et les racines, en particulier dans les fruits de plantes rouges mûres de la teneur est plus élevée.
Le lycopène peut récupérer les radicaux hydroxyles, et l’anion superoxyde, et inhiber la peroxydation des lipides, avec de puissantes propriétés antioxydantes. En même temps, il a une variété de fonctions biologiquement actives, telles que la protection cardiovasculaire, l’abaissement des lipides sanguins, le rayonnement anti-ultraviolet, et l’amélioration de la capacité athlétique.
Poudre de lycopèneEst un pigment liposoluble et peut généralement être extrait directement par extraction au solvant. Il existe également des méthodes d’extraction supercritique du CO2, des méthodes HPLC, des méthodes enzymatiques, la fermentation microbienne et des méthodes d’extraction par broyage direct. Parmi eux, la méthode d’extraction supercritique du CO2 surmonte les défauts de la méthode solvant, tels que la mauvaise qualité, les résidus de solvant, la faible pureté, la toxicité élevée et la pollution élevée.
La poudre de lycopène 5% de réduction UV fournie par la technologie Greenspring est exempte de résidus de pesticides et de résidus de solvants conformément aux normes de l’ue. Greenspring a un système systématique de gestion de la qualité et organise la production en stricte conformité avec ISO, HACCP, et d’autres normes de qualité. Tous les produits que nous offrons mettent en œuvre les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie et ont passé de nombreuses certifications telles que Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, etc. Avec notre excellente équipe de r & D, une équipe de production expérimentée et une équipe de vente professionnelle, nous pouvons personnaliser divers extraits standard ainsi que des extraits proportionnels.
Nom du produit
CAS non.
Numéro de téléphone: 502-65-8
Méthode d’essai
Poudre rouge foncé
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Protecting the Prostate
Epidemiologic studies suggest that diet may play an important role in the development and progression of prostate disease. High intake of lycopene and zinc are protective factors for prostate hyperplasia (BPH). In addition, lycopene powder and pollen extracts significantly improve symptoms such as pain and discomfort of urination in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome and chronic prostatitis. Some studies suggest that lycopene also has a preventive effect on prostate cancer.
However, the preventive effect on BPH and prostate cancer is controversial. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), "no studies are confirming that lycopene powder prevents and reduces the risk of prostate cancer."
Improves Sperm Motility
The European Journal of Nutrition published a small randomized controlled trial of 60 healthy men conducted at the Mount Sinai Urology Center in the U.S. Fifty-six men completed the study, and men's plasma lycopene levels were significantly higher in the lycopene intervention group, and the results of the trial suggest that sperm motility and morphology were higher in the lycopene intervention group. The preliminary conclusion is that supplementation with 14 mg/d of milk lycopene powder improves sperm motility and morphology in young healthy men.
A study suggests that male infertility is associated with an imbalance in the ratio of the polyunsaturated fatty acid arachidonic acid/docosahexaenoic acid (AA/DHA). 44 male infertility patients received lycopene powder for three months before IVF treatment, and the results suggested that lycopene-supplemented male infertility patients had significantly improved AA/DHA ratios and increased chances of spontaneous pregnancy and IVF conception.
Current speculation suggests that lycopene may act as a protective agent for sperm through its antioxidant properties, providing a comfortable environment for sperm activity and enhancing sperm activity, thereby improving male fertility. However, the underlying mechanism by which lycopene powder exerts its effects on sperm is currently unknown.
The bursting ability of carotenoids is closely related to the number of conjugated double bonds contained in their molecules. There are 11 conjugated double bonds in the lycopene molecule, and a lycopene molecule can scavenge thousands of monoclinic oxygen, and its rate constant for bursting monoclinic oxygen is 2 times higher than that of β-carotene.In 1990, Paolo et al. reported that more than 30 kinds of biological antioxidants, such as carotenoids and tocopherols, burst monoclinic oxygen, and lycopene is the strongest one in bursting monoclinic oxygen. Therefore, lycopene powder can effectively protect biofilm from the damaging effects of oxygen radicals through its antioxidant capacity, and delay the aging of cells and the human body.
Immune Enhancement
Lycopene activates immune cells and protects phagocytes from oxidative damage to themselves. It promotes the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes, stimulates the function of effector T cells, promotes the production of certain interleukins, and inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators. Studies have found that moderate doses of lycopene powder capsules can improve the body's immunity and reduce the damage to the body's immunity caused by acute exercise.
For Health Products:
GNPD data show that there are a total of 177 new products containing lycopene powder supplements worldwide. China's State Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) can be found that there are 131 kinds of health products with lycopene powder that have obtained the State Food and Health Character, of which 2 kinds are imported health products and the others are all domestic health products. These 131 kinds of health products are mainly used for antioxidants, delaying aging, enhancing immunity, regulating blood lipids, etc., of which 2 kinds are tablets, 1 kind of oil, and the rest are capsules.
In the Food Field:
In the food and beverage sector, lycopene received "novel food" approval in Europe and GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status in the U.S., with non-alcoholic beverages being the most popular. 20 new products were introduced, according to GNPD data: 7 in bread, breakfast cereals, etc.; 7 in processed meats, fish, and eggs; 7 in dairy; 6 in chocolate and confectionery; 5 in sauces and dressings; and 5 in desserts and ice cream; 7 in dairy; 6 in chocolate and confectionery; 5 in sauces and dressings; and 5 in desserts and ice cream. Applying lycopene powder to dairy products maintains their nutrition and enriches their health functions.
As early as 1999, Roche developed a sports drink with lycopene added to the formula, and then Coca-Cola launched a red lycopene-rich functional beverage, which can effectively alleviate the fatigue of the body and has the effect of preventing and delay chronic diseases, the development of lycopene powder functional beverages have a broad market outlook.
Poudre de lycopène 5% UV COA
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