Poudre de phosphatidylsérine en vrac de tournesol sans ogm
Nom de produit :70% Poudre de phosphatidylsérine en vrac
Source: graines de tournesol
Analyse :70.0%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Apparence: poudre Fine blanche Off
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
- Description Description
- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ce que la poudre de phosphatidylsérine?
La phosphatidylsérine est le composant phospholipide de la membrane qui enveloppe chacune de nos cellules cérébrales. Il aide à maintenir leur fluidité et perméabilité de sorte que les protéines, les enzymes, l’oxygène et le glucose peuvent se déplacer efficacement dans et hors de chaque cellule. La Phosphatidylcholine est également le phospholipide le plus abondant dans le cerveau et se trouve dans la couche externe des membranes cellulaires du cerveau. La phosphatidylsérine prend environ 15 pour cent du cerveau et#39; S total de phospholipides et fait partie de la couche interne des membranes cellulaires.
La phosphatidylsérine est impliquée dans le contrôle de la fluidité de la membrane et la régulation de toutes les activités qui ont lieu dans cette cellule cérébrale. Lorsque les membranes des cellules cérébrales sont saines, elles sont ductiles, fluides et flexibles. Cependant, à mesure que nous vieillissons, les phospholipides, y compris la phosphatidylsérine, commencent à diminuer. Les membranes cellulaires commencent à durcir et la concentration, la mémoire, l’humeur et l’apprentissage commencent à souffrir.
Poudre de phosphatidylsérineFourni par Green La technologie Spring est obtenue à partir de phospholipides naturels de graines de tournesol sans ogm par biocatalyse de phospholipase. Il s’agit d’une phosphatidylsérine d’origine naturelle sans résidus de solvants et résidus de pesticides selon les normes européennes.
Le printemps vert a un système systématique de gestion de la qualité, met strictement en œuvre le système de gestion de la qualité, et organise la production selon l’oin, HACCP, et d’autres normes de qualité. Tous les produits que nous offrons mettent en œuvre les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, conformes à ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et aux normes les plus élevées en matière de résidus de solvants. Le printemps vert a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, et beaucoup d’autres certifications. Des rapports de tests de tiers faisant autorité sont disponibles.
Nom du produit
Poudre de phosphatidylsérine Vrac de tournesol non-ogm
Nom Latin
Helianthus annuus L.
CAS non.
Graines de tournesol
Ingrédients actifs
Méthode d’essai
Blanc cassé poudre Fine
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Stress Relief and Mood Improvement
Several studies have shown that Phosphatidylserine can significantly reduce excessive levels of stress hormones in the body and reduce stress in work-stressed individuals. Relieves brain fatigue and improves mood. Cortisol is the emergency hormone produced by the body, and the production of this hormone can cause a person to feel stressed, anxious, and depressed. Supplementing with phosphatidylserine powder can reduce serum cortisol levels, which improves mood and relieves stress.
Improve Brain Function and Memory
Over the past 20 years, more than 3,000 research papers researched by domestic and foreign experts have confirmed that "Phosphatidylserine is an effective means of promoting brain function and improving memory." Phosphatidylserine powder can increase the number of brain spines, and fluidity of brain cell membranes and promote glucose metabolism in brain cells. This results in more active brain cells, which promotes concentration, alertness, and memory.
Preventing ADHD in Children
It is understood that a deficiency of essential fatty acids and phospholipids in the diet during childhood will lead to an increased risk of developing ADHD. Phosphatidylserine powder is a neurological major component that can nourish and activate the activity of various enzymes in the brain. It can effectively prevent ADHD in children from the brain and nerve aspect, and promote the intellectual development of children.
Improving Attention Deficit in Children
The systematic evaluation included studies of any design that assessed phosphatidylserine supplementation in children under 18 years of age with a diagnosis of ADHD, and this meta-analysis included only randomized clinical trials. Preliminary evidence suggests that phosphatidylserine powder may be effective in reducing symptoms of inattention in children with ADHD.
Helps Correct Sleep Patterns
Phosphatidylserine positively affects sleep by influencing neurotransmitter systems such as glutamate and GABA. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, while GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. By regulating the balance of these two neurotransmitters, Phosphatidylserine allows the body to relax and helps keep the sleep cycle in balance.
Helps Improve Depressive Symptoms
Phosphatidylserine affects dopamine levels in the brain, helping to reduce the severity of depression. Brambilla conducted a cognitive and behavioural symptom efficacy study using Bovine Cerebral PS (BC- PS) in 10 aging female patients suffering from depression. The patients received 15 days of placebo treatment followed by 30 days of BC-PS. Corresponding tests were done before and after the placebo and BC-PS treatments, and mood, memory and general behaviour were monitored.
The results showed that phosphatidylserine powder was able to regulate hormone levels of neurotransmitters in the brain that control mood. Patients' depression was reduced by an average of 70%, and symptoms such as mood disorders, abnormal behavior, anxiety, and irritability were significantly improved. In contrast, there was essentially no change in symptoms before and after treatment with a placebo, and no side effects were noted during the BC-PS trial.
For Health Products:
Phosphatidylserine powder as a powerful brain health ingredient can be used as a dietary supplement in the form of a single active ingredient. Products with Phosphatidylserine powder as a single active ingredient as a supplement are already very common and mature in the European and American markets. In addition, as a naturally occurring phospholipid component in the human body, Phosphatidylserine has strong lipophilicity, is easily absorbed, and when combined with other functional ingredients, can play a more powerful functional effect.
Poudre de phosphatidylsérine en vrac de COA de tournesol non-ogm
Cosmos 2023
Halal 2023
Casher 2023