Puissance de BCAA
Spécifications :2:1:1
Méthode d’essai :Titration
Apparence: poudre blanche
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
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Qu’est-ce que BCAA (anglais) Power?
Les acides aminés BCAA ou à chaîne ramifiée comprennent l’isoleucine, la leucine et la valine. Ce sont des acides aminés dont le corps humain a besoin mais qui ne peuvent être synthétisés seuls et qui ne peuvent être obtenus que par l’apport externe. Les acides aminés à chaîne ramifiée sont des acides aminés essentiels et des nutriments pharmacologiques. Les bcaa peuvent être catabolisées pour produire de l’énergie, mais elles peuvent également être utilisées comme molécules de signalisation nutritionnelle ayant des effets régulateurs et jouer d’autres fonctions biologiques importantes dans les organismes vivants.
La technologie de printemps vert fournit l’acide aminé de chaîne ramifiée microencapsulé (2:1:1), qui est fait de trois genres d’acides aminés de chaîne ramifiée de la source de fermentation de plante, mélangé dans le rapport de 2:1:1, et transformé par microencapsulation et d’autres techniques, qui peuvent réaliser la dispersion rapide dans l’eau, aucun flottant, aucune précipitation, aucun besoin de remuer, et la solubilité instantanée complète.
Créé en 2000, printemps vert Est une société de biotechnologie leader en Chine dédiée à la fourniture d’ingrédients nutritionnels de haute qualité, de compléments alimentaires et botaniques Extraits. Elle organise sa production selon les normes de qualité ISO, HACCP et autres et a mis en place un système complet de traçabilité. Printemps vert A obtenu de nombreuses certifications telles que Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000, et ainsi de suite. Nous pouvons fournir des rapports des essais faisant autorité de tiers.
Nom du produit
BCAA poudre
’ 2:1:1
Méthode d’essai
Blanc à blanc cassé poudre Fine
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Promotes Muscle Synthesis
BCAA is unique in that it independently stimulates muscle protein synthesis through the insulin pathway, which can produce many intermediates important for cellular metabolism. As a result, BCAAs are rapidly taken up by skeletal muscle, skipping hepatic metabolism, where leucine promotes muscle protein synthesis by activating the central mTOR signaling system. This function is the first of the
three main functions of BCAAs to be confirmed by research and has received the closest academic attention to its three functions.
Professor Qunying Lei of Fudan University explored this issue. Professor Lei found through his research that adding BCAAs to the diet in moderation can reduce the amount of food eaten and reduce weight gain, which means that it can help in weight loss. However, a long-term high BCAA diet can lead to obesity. The mechanism is insulin resistance caused by activating the mTOR pathway downstream.
Counteracting Muscle Catabolism
Relevant studies have shown that when BCAAs are ingested in the resting state, the rate of protein degradation decreases, and the rate of synthesis increases; when BCAAs are ingested during aerobic exercise, the net protein degradation rate decreases. When exercise is prolonged and intense, the proportion of protein supply also increases, especially during endurance exercise, and the oxidation of branched-chain amino acids in muscle proteins is increased. Prophylactic supplementation with BCAAs may reduce some of this catabolism.
Relieve Exercise Fatigue
Studies have shown that lower concentrations of BCAAs in the blood accelerate the production of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin (or 5-hydroxytryptophan), which can cause premature exercise fatigue and drowsiness. Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, and when BCAA levels in the blood are high, they can seize the "channel" where tryptophan is transported to the brain, thus "crowding out" tryptophan and weakening its inhibition of the corresponding receptors in the central nervous system, thus relieving Muscle fatigue.
Branched chain amino acids can directly promote the recovery of immune cell function and improve the damaged immune system, as well as improve the nutritional status of patients with cancer and liver disease. Clinically, in some patients with liver disease, nutritional departments use Branched Chain Amino Acids as nutritional supplements to prevent severe negative nitrogen balance. Compared with the metabolism of other amino acids, the initial metabolism of branched-chain amino acids does not take place in the liver, but in the periphery, mainly in the muscles, reducing the burden on the liver. It can also increase the level of protein synthesis in patients with cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy, and liver cancer, and improve the nutritional status of patients.
In addition, branched-chain amino acids and aromatic amino acids enter the brain via the same pathway and are in a competitive inhibitory relationship, which can change the level of certain monoamine neurotransmitters in the brain. Because of these metabolic characteristics and physiological effects, it is also used for nutritional support for severe infections and burns.
For Healthcare Products:
BCAAs are mainly marketed as fitness supplements with the functions of inhibiting muscle breakdown, increasing muscle synthesis, relieving exercise fatigue, etc. Their effects and safety have been widely recognized by the nutritional community, and BCAAs taken in moderation under normal physical conditions have multiple benefits for the human body. At the same time, in addition to its function as a fitness supplement, which has been widely commercialized, BCAA has also been developed as a potential adjuvant agent for the treatment of liver cancer and malignant plasma disease, with good potential for pharmacological development.
In Pharmaceutical:
Animal experiments and human studies suggest that BCAAs powder can have beneficial effects when applied to trauma, burns, sepsis, and other critical conditions. It is generally hypothesized that BCAAs act as a fuel to promote muscle and visceral protein synthesis and reduce muscle proteolysis. The administration of solutions high in BCAAs may be of value to patients who are unable to receive nutrients due to transfusions of fluids, blood, antibiotics, and orthotropic substances.
BCAA puissance COA
Cosmos 2023
Halal 2023
Casher 2023