Poudre de protéine de blé hydrolysée
Nom Latin :Triticum aestivum L.
Source: semences de blé
Ingrédients actifs: protéines
Spécification :80%
Méthode d’essai :Kjeldahl détermination
Apparence: poudre Fine blanche crémeuse
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
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Qu’est-ce que la poudre de protéine de blé hydrolysée?
La protéine de blé hydrolysée est une haute solubilitéProtéines végétalesL’invention est obtenue par séchage par pulvérisation avec les protéines extraites des graines de blé comme matière première, en utilisant une variété de préparations enzymatiques, le clivage enzymatique directionnel, et la technologie spécifique de séparation de petits peptides. La teneur en protéines de la protéine de blé hydrolysée est aussi élevée que 75% à 85%, riche en glutamine et petits peptides, sans hormones, résidus viraux, et d’autres problèmes de biosécurité. Il ne contient aucun facteur anti-nutritionnel. C’est une nouvelle matière première protéique de haute qualité et sûre.
La protéine hydrolysée de blé a (aucun facteur anti-nutritionnel) "zero" Antigène, bonne palatabilité et haute digestibilité. Il a une bonne solubilité dans l’eau, une dispersion stable, une absorption facile, une forte activité biologique et peut maintenir la fonctionnalité de la santé intestinale.
La technologie Green Spring fournit des protéines de blé hydrolysées en utilisant un processus enzymatique spécifique, l’hydrolyse modérée des protéines macromoléculaires du gluten, en levant la viscoélasticité du gluten, et en évitant le goût amer produit par l’hydrolyse excessive. Cela garantit la bonne palatabilité, les propriétés nutritionnelles et les propriétés fonctionnelles des produits à base de protéines hydrolysées de blé.
Green Spring Technology est une société leader de technologie d’extrait d’usine en Chine, qui s’est engagée à développer des produits végétaux de haute qualité et actifs. Avec 8 certificats et 7 brevets, nos produits sont vendus dans plus de 62 pays à travers le monde, servant plus de 2 450 clients, et sont bien reçus. Green Spring a obtenu Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000, et de nombreuses autres certifications. Nous pouvons fournir des rapports des essais faisant autorité de tiers.
Nom du produit
Protéines de blé hydrolysées
Nom Latin
Triticum aestivum L.
Graines de blé
Ingrédients actifs
80% de la population
Méthode d’essai
Détermination de Kjeldahl
Poudre Fine blanche crémeuse
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Unique Neutral Flavour
Unlike soya proteins, which have an unavoidable soya flavor, hydrolyzed wheat proteins have a good neutral taste, no bitterness, no astringency, no saltiness, and a natural baking aroma.
Enhancement of Immunity
The main substance for the immune function of wheat protein is glutamine. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is a non-essential amino acid that can be synthesized in the body. From the amino acid composition of wheat protein, it can be seen that the highest content of glutamic acid, accounts for 42% of wheat protein. Glutamic acid enters the body, and under the action of glutamine synthetase, glutamine, and ammonia can be synthesized into glutamine. Studies on the effects of glutamine on the human body have shown its excellence in immunity. Glutamine promotes, enhances, and regulates the function of immune cells, and is an essential fuel for lymphocytes, macrophages, and other immune cells.
Replenish Hair Nutrition
Hydrolyzed wheat protein is rich in small-molecule wheat protein with uniform molecular weight, good solubility, and high moisturizing properties. Because of its smaller molecular weight, it can better penetrate through the hair follicle to help replenish nitrogen nutrients, enhance hair vitality, and better replenish hair nutrients from the inside out.
Repairing Hair Damage
The positive charge of hydrolyzed wheat protein and the negative charge of the hair fiber attract each other, which can form a protein protective film on the surface of the hair fiber. It will be preferentially adsorbed in the damaged parts of the hair, protecting the hair and has a good restorative effect. It can enhance the tensile tension and elasticity of hair fibers, smoothing frizz and enhancing hair shine.
Locks in Moisture
Surfactants in hydrolyzed wheat protein can form a protective film on the surface of the hair, firmly locking the moisture inside the hair, maintaining the degree of wetness while reducing the irritation of the product system, and preventing dryness and breakage of the hair.
Reducing Muscle Damage in Athletes
A study by Sedamyl on half-marathon runners has confirmed that wheat protein helps to reduce post-exercise muscle fiber damage. One hour after completing the event, young athletes were randomly given either a 0.10 or 20-gram dose of wheat protein. As a result of the study, a certain dose of wheat protein reduced creatine kinase activity.
Maintaining the Health of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Glutamine in wheat hydrolyzed protein plays a very important role in the body's metabolism. Glutamine is a necessary nutrient for the metabolism of gastrointestinal mucosal cells. It can maintain the intestinal mucosal epithelial structure, enhance intestinal cell activity, improve intestinal immunity, and reduce intestinal bacteria and endotoxin ectopic.
In Cosmetics:
Wheat Hydrolysed Protein Powder is not acne-causing and is relatively safe, with a risk factor of 1. Wheat Hydrolysed Protein is rich in cystine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. It has moisturizing, antioxidant, and skin softening and refining properties. Wheat Hydrolysed Protein is mainly used in cosmetics and skincare products as a skin conditioner, antioxidant and moisturizer. It is generally used in skin care, shampoo, hair care, bath and shower products, such as shampoo, shower gel, hair mask, gel, lotion, serum, gel, make-up, and moisturizing water.
For Feed Product:
Hydrolyzed wheat protein can reduce the diarrhea rate, increase the survival rate, reduce the feed-to-weight ratio, and rapid weight gain. It contains glutamine, which is unique in promoting the development of intestinal villi and accelerating the repair of damage to intestinal villi; at the same time, glutamine is the precursor substance for the proliferation of immune cells and the synthesis of antibodies, which is important in promoting the development of the immune system and enhancing the disease-resistant ability of young animals. At present, wheat hydrolyzed protein powder is mainly used in milk replacer powder for suckling pigs and calves, suckling piglet feed and nursery feed, high-grade aquatic feed, and high-grade pet feed.
Poudre de protéine de blé hydrolysée COA
Cosmos 2023
Halal 2023
Casher 2023