Phosphatidylcholine poudre 20% vrac
Nom de produit :Phosphatidylcholine Powder
Source: soja
Ingrédients actifs :Phosphatidylcholine
Analyse: 20,0%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Apparence: poudre Fine jaune clair
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
- Description Description
- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ceque la poudre de Phosphatidylcholine?
La poudre de Phosphatidylcholine est un phospholipide qui se trouve naturellement dans les œufs, les tournesols et d’autres aliments. C’est la source de choline dans le corps, et la phosphatidylcholine rend le neurotransmetteur acétylcholine. La Phosphatidylcholine joue un rôle dans la mémoire, l’exercice et le métabolisme et réduit les dépôts de graisse dans le foie et sous la peau.
La Phosphatidylcholine est une molécule amphiphile à la tête hydrophile et à la queue hydrophobe. Phosphatidylcholine est phospholipids' Composant principal, qui transmet rapidement des instructions du cerveau. La poudre de Phosphatidylcholine peut améliorer l’intelligence des nourrissons, et elle peut également lutter contre le foie gras et le foie alcoolique. Il prévient et protège efficacement le foie.
La poudre de Phosphatidylcholine 10% Bulk Green Spring offerte est extraite de soja non génétiquement modifié, avec une grande pureté, sans impuretés, sans résidus de solvants et sans résidus de pesticides. Green Spring s’engage à fournir à ses clients des produits naturels, sûrs et biologiquesExtraits de plantes....... Tous les produits que nous offrons sont fabriqués selon les normes internationales les plus élevées, conformément à EC396, 2023/915, la pharmacopée européenne, la pharmacopée des États-Unis, la pharmacopée japonaise et d’autres normes internationales. Nous avons passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO et beaucoup d’autres certifications. Des rapports de tests de tiers faisant autorité sont disponibles.
Nom du produit
Poudre de Phosphatidylcholine
Nom Latin
Glycine max (Linn.) Merr.
CAS non.
Téléphone: 97281-47-5
Le soja
Ingrédients actifs
20% 20%
Méthode d’essai
Poudre Fine jaune clair
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Supporting Healthy Memory
An animal study published in the Journal of Nutrition examined the effects of phosphatidylcholine administration on mice with dementia and low acetylcholine concentrations. The researchers found that administration of phosphatidylcholine powder improved memory and generally increased brain choline and acetylcholine levels to or above those of control normal mice. In a study published in Neurobiology of Aging, researchers found significantly lower levels of phosphatidylcholine in patients with Alzheimer's disease, providing further evidence that it plays a role in the pathology of the disease.
Supporting Metabolic Health
Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine are essential and abundant phospholipids that play an important role in the regulation of lipids, lipoproteins, and systemic energy metabolism. Low levels of phosphatidylcholine in tissues affect energy metabolism and are associated with disease progression. Low phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylcholine levels are associated with metabolic disorders, including atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and obesity.
Fighting Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Phosphatidylcholine powder is known for its potential ability to reduce fat deposition and has been shown to reduce liver lipid levels in mice fed a high-fat diet. This study supports the idea that dietary phosphatidylcholine may help fight NAFLD, but more human studies are needed to confirm this potential phosphatidylcholine benefit.
Reducing Fat Deposits
Preliminary research suggests that phosphatidylcholine may help reduce fat deposits on the chin, neck, thighs, and abdomen. The study, published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, showed significant improvement in all cases when 50 patients were given phosphatidylcholine injections to reduce surface fat deposits. Phosphatidylcholine treatment also marked a reduction in fat deposits with no recurrence and no weight gain during a two-year follow-up period.
Fighting Ulcerative Colitis
Phosphatidylcholine may help protect the walls of the large intestine and relieve symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. Studies have shown that people with ulcerative colitis have reduced levels of phosphatidylcholine and that adding phosphatidylcholine to colonic mucus can help reduce inflammatory activity. There are several other potential phosphatidylcholine benefits that have not been thoroughly studied in humans. These include PC's ability to dissolve cholesterol gallstones, reduce anxiety, alleviate PMS symptoms, fight acne, and relieve eczema.
Phosphatidylcholine is a crucial biomolecule found in every cell of the human body. Some scientists have experimented with mice that have undergone a genetic mutation that causes oxidative damage, which accelerates aging, with the aim of investigating whether phosphatidylcholine powder supplementation can slow down the aging process, as well as boost brain function and increase memory in Alzheimer's patients. However, there are scientists who believe that there is insufficient evidence for phosphatidylcholine powder supplementation to treat Alzheimer's. Of course, the possibility that phosphatidylcholine has a role to play cannot be ruled out, and more and larger scale experiments are needed to prove exactly what it does.
For Health Products:
Phosphatidylcholine is an active ingredient extracted from plants and is used clinically as an adjunctive treatment for liver and gallbladder diseases. Phosphatidylcholine contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, nearly 50% of which are 1,2-dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is highly similar to the structure of human liver cell membranes and can enhance the fluidity of cell membranes, the activity of transmembrane transport systems and transmembrane systems, and repair damaged cell membranes. Phosphatidylcholine powder can be used as a healthcare additive for liver disease.
Phosphatidylcholine poudre 20% vrac COA
Cosmos 2023
Halal 2023
Casher 2023