Valerian Root Extract Powder 10:1

Poudre d’extrait de racine de valériane 10:1

Source: racine de valériane

Nom Latin :Valeriana officinalis L.

Ingrédients actifs: iridoïdes, acide valérénique, alcaloïde,Flavone,etc.

Spécification :10:1

Méthode d’essai :TLC

Apparence: poudre Fine brune

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’extrait de racine de valériane?

    La poudre d’extrait de racine de valériane est une poudre brun jaunâtre obtenue à partir des racines séchées et des rhizomes de la plante valériane, broyées et extraites par extraction aqueuse et alcoolique. Les principaux ingrédients actifs de l’extrait de racine de valériane comprennent des huiles volatiles telles que les terpènes, les alcools terpènes, les terpènes bicycliques, les cétones terpènes, les aldéhydes terpènes, etc., les terpènes d’éther cycloalkénylique tels que la valérianine, l’isovalérianine, le glycoside amer de valériane, l’ester dipentyle, la valérianine, Valérianineine, valérianamine, etc., et alcaloïdes, aussi bien que flavonoïdes, acides carboxyliques, β-sitosterol, et ainsi de suite.


    vert Spring Technology fournit la poudre d’extrait de racine de valériane 10:1, une poudre fine avec une bonne fluidité et une excellente solubilité, clarifiée et translucide lorsqu’elle est dissoute dans l’eau, sans précipitation. Il passe le test d’identification, les métaux lourds, les résidus de solvant, les micro-organismes et les hap Conforme à Règlements du pe.


    Fondée en 2000, Green Spring Technology s’engage à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Green Spring a un système systématique de gestion de la qualité, et nos produits sont mis en œuvre avec les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, qui sont conformes à ue EC396, ue 2023/915, et les normes les plus élevées de résidus de solvants. Nous avons obtenu Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO et de nombreuses autres certifications. Des rapports de tests de tiers faisant autorité sont disponibles.


    Nom du produit

    Extrait de racine de valériane

    Nom Latin

    Valeriana officinalis L.


    Racine de valériane

    Ingrédients actifs

    Iridoïdes, acide valérénique, alcaloïde,Flavone,etc.


    ’ 10:1

    Méthode d’essai

    TLC c


    Poudre Fine brune

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?


    Helps Sleep

    Oliviero Bruni and other scholars have found that valerian promotes the secretion of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) from the cerebral cortex, which regulates nerve cells, reduces anxiety and exerts a calming effect. This may be due to the presence of a neurotransmitter called GABA in our brain, which promotes sedation.


    Valerian root extract contains pentanoic acid, terpenes and other chemically active ingredients that can significantly stimulate GABAA receptor (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor) activity, which can effectively inhibit rapid eye movement sleep and low frequency waves, and promote rapid entry into sleep. Studies have shown that valerian extract can also improve sleep by mediating the inhibition of GABA enzyme destruction, which increases the effectiveness of GABA.



    The total alkaloids extracted from Valerian are antibacterial, especially against Gram-positive bacteria. Two alkaloids derived from it, valerianine and brucine, are also useful for antibacterial.



    Valerian aqueous extract, alcoholic extract, and volatile oil of Valerian nigra administered by gavage can inhibit the voluntary activity of mice and have hypnotic synergy with sodium pentobarbital, which can increase the rate of falling asleep and prolong the sleep time of mice, and the effect of volatile oil is stronger than that of aqueous extract.


    The effect of valerian aqueous extract in regulating sleep was related to the increase of sleep factor-monocyte IL-1β content and TNF-αmRNA expression in the peripheral blood of mice. The mechanism of action of black water valerian petroleum ether parts administered by gavage at doses of 7.5, 15, and 30 g/kg to improve sleep was related to the content of neurotransmitters GABA, 5-HT in the brain. Primary insomnia patients flush valerian raw powder 3g/dose, 3 times a day, the total effective rate was 90% after 4 months of medication, the mechanism may be related to the promotion of the pineal gland secretion of endogenous plasma melatonin (MT), up-regulation of plasma MT levels.


    Protects the Digestive System

    Valerian epoxytriolester contained in valerian root can help relieve spasms and pain, and help ease nervous indigestion, stomach cramps, or intestinal inflammation. In addition, it has heart-protective properties and lowers blood pressure.



    Valerian extract valerenic acid was found to be the main component of valerian in reducing anxiety behaviour. It was proved that both valerenic acid and valerenol, the main components of valerian extract, enhanced the response of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. Serum corticosterone levels were also found to be significantly reduced in rats in the administered groups (valerenic acid and valerenol), all indicating that valerian has a significant anxiolytic effect.


    Relieving Muscle Tension

    Valerian is also valuable in the treatment of sleep disorders arising from muscle problems. In 1998 Dr Houghton and colleagues found that valerian could be used to treat tremor syndrome and muscle spasms. It is therefore beneficial in treating symptoms such as restless sleep. The essential oils, valerian triglycerides, and valerianic acid all have a relaxing effect on smooth muscle. In addition, valerian acts as a smooth muscle relaxant. It can relieve muscle tension and pain, so valerian can effectively treat sleep disorders due to muscle pain and discomfort.


    For Health Products:

    Valerian extract has antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, sedative, tranquilizing, regulating qi, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, hepatoprotective, antiarrhythmic, anti-tumor, and other pharmacological effects. As valerian extract enhances the inhibitory process of the cerebral cortex and reduces reflex excitability and smooth muscle spasm, it has sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, and sleeping effects, and can be used to treat insomnia, stomach cramping pain, dysmenorrhoea, and other disorders, as well as to relieve anxiety and depression. In addition, valerian extract has antiviral, anti-tumor, and anti-arrhythmic effects, so it can be applied in the field of pharmaceuticals and health products production.

  • Poudre d’extrait de racine de valériane 101 COA

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