60% Stachyose Powder

60% de poudre de Stachyose

CAS nr.:10094-58-3

Analyse :60%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre Fine blanche

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre de Stachyose?

    Le Stachyose (formule moléculaire C24H42O21) est un produit en poudre fabriqué à partir de plantes en tant que matière première, traité, extrait et raffiné. C’est un tétrasaccharide composé de 2 α-galactosides liés par une liaison glycosidique α-1,6 du côté glucose du saccharose, et appartient aux oligosaccharides fonctionnels non réducteurs de la classe galactoside du genre Cotton Grain Sugar. Le Stachyose est soluble dans l’eau et appartient aux fibres alimentaires solubles. Sa pression osmotique est proche de celle du saccharose, mais sa douceur ne représente que 22% du saccharose. Il n’est pas décomposé par les sucs digestifs gastro-intestinaux humains, et a une bonne stabilité thermique, humectancy et hygroscopicity. La poudre de Stachyose est un ingrédient alimentaire fonctionnel de haute qualité.


    La technologie Green Spring fournit 60% de poudre de Stachyose, qui est pure dans le goût, avec la douceur légère et aucune impuretés. Au-dessus de 80℃, Stachyose a des propriétés colorantes et peut être ajouté aux aliments cuits au four pour rendre la nourriture montre une couleur jaune brûlé attrayante. En tant que matière première naturelle, la poudre de fructose a été largement utilisée dans le domaine des produits alimentaires et de soins de santé.


    Green Spring est une principale société de biotechnologie en Chine, fondée en 2000, et s’est engagée à rechercher et à fournir des extraits de plantes de haute qualité. Green Spring applique strictement un système de gestion de la qualité et organise la production sous ISO, HACCP et d’autres normes de qualité. Un système de traçabilité parfait A été mis en place et tous les produits sont traçables. Les produits mettent en œuvre les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, conformément aux normes ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et aux normes les plus élevées en matière de résidus de solvants. 



    Nom du produit

    Poudre de Stachyose

    CAS non.




    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre Fine blanche

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?


    Regulation of Intestinal Microecology

    The three main components of regulators of intestinal microecology are probiotics, prebiotics and commensal bacteria. Probiotics refer to a group of intestinal bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Prebiotics are substances that selectively regulate one or several types of bacteria. Stachyose Powder belongs to this category, and it promotes the rapid proliferation of bifidobacteria. When used together with other prebiotics, it helps to regulate the intestinal flora to a large extent, relieves constipation and helps to maintain intestinal vitality.


    Stachyose has a dual function as a water-soluble dietary fiber and promotes the proliferation of bifidobacteria, and therefore improves intestinal function, shortens the digestion time of food, improves water content, inhibits putrefactive bacteria, breaks down carcinogenic substances, induces the synthesis of interferon and promotes cell division substances, activates natural killer cells and promotes immunoglobulin antibodies and macrophages, thus improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract.



    Stachyose intake can significantly lower blood glucose in STZ-induced diabetic mice, reduce fasting blood glucose levels, and reduce glucose and adrenaline-induced hyperglycaemia, which can prevent and control diabetes mellitus. Professor Li Quanhong's team from China Agricultural University studied the hypoglycemic effect of Stachyose in type 2 diabetic rats as a model and found that both the Stachyose group and Metformin group could reduce the mRNA expression of serum lipopolysaccharide, IL-6, and TNF-α. At the same time, Stachyose could also act on the key strains of the intestinal flora to improve inflammation, which is similar to the mechanism of Metformin, and also has a lowering effect on blood glucose.


    Liver Protection

    The intake of Stachyose makes the intestinal probiotics proliferate rapidly, the intestinal pH decreases, and the intestinal peristalsis increases. It reduces the burden of reabsorption of toxic metabolites such as indole into the bloodstream and their decomposition by the liver, thus playing a role in protecting the liver.


    Gui Jinqiu et al. studied the effects of fructose on IL-6 and liver function in a rat model of experimental cirrhosis. The results showed that it could effectively reduce the levels of IL-6, AST, and ALT in the serum of the animal model group (P<0.01), and there was no significant difference between the preventive group and the normal group in terms of liver function indicators. At the same time, the effect of Stachyose on liver histopathology was improved to a certain extent, indicating that Stachyose has the effect of liver protection and hepatoprotection.


    Improve Constipation

    The intake of Stachyose makes the intestinal probiotics proliferate rapidly, increases intestinal peristalsis, and avoids the accumulation of feces in the large intestine and the formation of dry and hard stools after the water is absorbed, thus preventing the occurrence of constipation. XI Zhaoyan et al. studied the effect of fructose on 53 patients with constipation and found that compared with the control group, the number of bowel movements in the Stachyose group increased significantly, and there was a significant difference in bowel movement and fecal characteristics.


    In the Food Field:

    With pure taste, good solubility in water, high stability to acid and heat, and the advantages of low calorie and low sweetness, Stachyose powder is an excellent functional food base. Stachyose powder is safe and reliable, without any toxic side effects. It can be widely used in beverages, candies, pastries, ice cream and other foods, and can be used in special foods for diabetics and dieters.


    Stachyose powder can promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and can be added to foods such as alcoholic beverages and dairy products to make foods that can regulate intestinal function. Stachyose is a non cariogenic food sugar, which can replace part of sucrose in children's food to prevent dental caries, such as Rice noodles and other infant auxiliary food.


    In Cosmetics:

    Stachyose has good solubility, no irritation to the skin, and increases smoothness to improve roughness. It participates in the metabolism of skin microecological flora, inhibits harmful bacteria, and inhibits the formation of chloasma fundamentally. Therefore, Stachyose has the efficacy of decomposing melanin, clearing melasma, removing free radicals, discharging toxins and delaying aging. It is suitable for the in-depth development of beauty products and cosmetics.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Stachyose has a clear structure, clear efficacy factors, and stable properties, making it a stabilizing agent for "targeted drug delivery". In addition, with high viscosity and strong water-absorbing ability, Stachyose powder can be used as a pharmaceutical excipient and is also suitable for the development of pharmaceuticals into punch, capsule, soft capsule, tablet, oral liquid, and other dosage forms.


  • 60% poudre de Stachyose COA

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Poudre de spiruline de qualité alimentaire


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