ISO Malto Oligosaccharide poudre 90%
Analyse :90%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Apparence: poudre Fine blanche ou jaune clair
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
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Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’oligosaccharide ISO ISO Malto?
ISO Malto Oligosaccharide est une sorte de sucre d’amidon, c’est une sorte de sucre d’amidon, le composant principal est les molécules de glucose entre la liaison glycosidique α-1,6 isomaltose, mannose, isomaltotriose et tétrasaccharide et au-dessus des oligosaccharides. La poudre d’isomaltose oligomérique a une bonne solubilité rapide, une forte résistance à l’acide et à la chaleur, et une teneur élevée en composants d’efficacité (isomaltose, mannose, isomaltotriose). C’est une poudre blanche amorphe avec une douceur de 45 à 50% de saccharose.
Fournitures de technologie de printemps vertIso Malto Oligosaccharide poudre 90%, avec une douceur douce et douce, une faible viscosité, une excellente résistance à la chaleur et aux acides, une bonne rétention d’humidité, rendant l’eau non facile à évaporer, et un bon effet sur la rétention d’humidité de divers produits alimentaires et leur maintien de la qualité. Iso Malto Oligosaccharide poudre contient des molécules de sucre avec des gènes réduits à la fin, qui aura un Maillard réagir avec des protéines ou des acides aminés pour produire la coloration de courtepointe. Il peut empêcher l’effet de vieillissement de la nourriture d’amidon et peut être employé dans les pâtisseries et le pain, qui peuvent garder ces aliments pendant longtemps sans durcir.
Green Spring est une société de biotechnologie leader en Chine, dédiée à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Il a été créé en 2000 et a passé de nombreuses certifications telles que Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, etc. Les produits mettent en œuvre les normes les plus élevées de l’industrie internationale, en conformité avec ue EC396, ue 2023/915, et les normes les plus élevées de résidus de solvants. Il est produit selon ISO, HACCP, et d’autres normes de qualité. Avec 7 certificats et 7 brevets, nos produits sont vendus dans plus de 62 pays, au service de plus de 2 450 clients.
Nom du produit
ISO Malto Oligosaccharide poudre
Méthode d’essai
Poudre Fine blanche ou jaune clair
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Heat and Acid Resistance
Oligomeric isomaltose has excellent heat and acid resistance. It does not decompose when the concentration of 50% syrup is heated for a long time at pH3 and 120℃. It can be used in beverages, canned foods, and foods processed at high temperatures or at low pH to maintain its original properties and functions.
Improvement of Constipation
Human experiments conducted by T. Kohmoto and others show that regular intake of a certain amount of Iso Malto Oligosaccharide can increase the number and proportion of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestinal tract, and at the same time, reduce the number and proportion of certain pathogenic bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile. The proliferation of probiotics increases the number of short-chain organic acids they produce, lowers intestinal pH, promotes intestinal peristalsis, and improves constipation.
Maintaining Normal Intestinal Function
Iso Malto Oligosaccharide can promote the proliferation of intestinal bifidobacteria and inhibit the formation of harmful bacteria and spoilage substances; Beijing Union University School of Biochemical Engineering used oligomeric isomaltose to conduct a gavage test on mice, and the results show that: Iso Malto Oligosaccharide has the function of improving the structure of intestinal flora.
In the Food Field:
Iso Malto Oligosaccharide Powder can be widely used in bakery products, confectionery, and small foodstuffs. It partially replaces white granulated sugar and is used in the production of bread, which has a good effect, hardly affects the quality of the finished products, and the products have good moisturizing properties. However, when adding oligo-isomaltose, we should consider the factors that oligo-isomaltose inhibits yeast fermentation, and the amount of addition should not affect the expansion of the bread as appropriate.
The confectionery produced by the application of iso malto oligosaccharide has the functions of low calorie, non-caries, anti-crystallization, and rectification. Varieties can be a variety of soft candy, hard candy, sorghum syrup, kraft candy, chocolate, a variety of biscuits, all kinds of pastry, suet, moon cake, soup dumpling filling, and a variety of cake fillings, and so on many kinds. Iso Malto Oligosaccharide Powder is used in ice cream, which is beneficial to the improvement and maintenance of its texture and taste, and gives it special functionality.
Iso Malto Oligosaccharide Powder is suitable for replacing part of sucrose and is added to a variety of beverages and food products to formulate functional food and beverages, and to develop a new generation of beverages.
Milk Powder
Iso Malto Oligosaccharide Powder is more suitable to be added to milk powder for the production of infant formula and milk powder for the middle-aged and elderly. The digestive function of infants and middle-aged and old people is not very good, and they are prone to calcium deficiency. Iso Malto Oligosaccharide has the effect of proliferation of bifidobacteria, as well as hypolipidemic, hypoglycaemic, promoting the absorption of minerals and other effects.
For Feed Product:
Iso Malto Oligosaccharide Powder as a feed additive is significantly better than antibiotics and prebiotics. Research has proved that oligo isomaltose can improve thyroid secretion, enhance digestive function, strengthen protein synthesis and deposition, and promote the growth of broiler ducks. Due to its non-digestibility, oligoisomaltose can only be selected and absorbed by beneficial bacteria, and promote their proliferation. At the same time, its good compatibility, stability, meet the processing requirements of the characteristics of the feed additives are increasingly valued.
For Healthcare Products:
Iso Malto Oligosaccharide Powder and Bifidobacterium bifidum lyophilised powder can be used in the production of health medicines and health foods with the function of rectifying the intestines and moistening the bowels, as well as foods consumed by diabetics. Since oligoisomaltose is a proliferation factor for Bifidobacterium bifidum, it can be used as an absorber for intestinal function regulation, treatment of tumour drugs and Ca. The study of Jiang Xiuju and Luo Yu proved that there is no significant difference between the efficacy of oligoisomaltose and cisapride in children with functional dyspepsia, and there is no adverse reaction.
ISO Malto Oligosaccharide poudre 90% COA
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