90% Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder

90% Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudre

Nom de produit: Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudre

Analyse :90%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre blanche

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudre?

    Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudre est un nouveau type de substance fonctionnelle, un type d’oligosaccharide fonctionnel avec des propriétés naturelles. C’est un prébiotique important dans le lait maternel et une fibre alimentaire naturelle. Il a une teneur élevée en émulsions, et sa palatabilité, solubilité dans l’eau, et la stabilité sont bonnes. Galacto Oligosaccharides est un glucide à faible énergie. Par rapport au lactose et au saccharose, l’oligogalactose contient des liaisons β(1→6)β(1→4), β(1→3) galactoside, qui ne sont pas hydrolysées par la β-galactosidase dans le jus digestif humain.


    Des études ont montré que non seulement la poudre de Galacto Oligosaccharides n’est pas digérée et absorbée par le corps et#39; S probiotiques, en particulier les bifidobactéries, dans le tractus intestinal humain quand il pénètre dans le corps. Il inhibe également la croissance des bactéries de détérioration. Les probiotiques dans le tractus intestinal peuvent produire beaucoup de polysaccharides extracellulaires tout en proliférant avec l’oligogalactose. Les polysaccharides extracellulaires ont non seulement une activité anti-tumorale et une activité immunitaire, mais favorisent également la colonisation à long terme des probiotiques dans l’intestin.


    Les 90%Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudreFourni par la technologie Green Spring est fabriqué à partir de lactose, préparé par conversion enzymatique et processus de purification ultérieur, avec une grande pureté et des particules uniformes. Green Spring a un processus rigoureux de contrôle de la qualité pour s’assurer que les normes de qualité sont respectées. Chaque étape de production dans le processus de fabrication est surveillée et testée pour s’assurer que le processus de production est conforme et répond aux exigences des pays concernés. Le printemps vert a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, et beaucoup d’autres certifications. Des rapports de tests de tiers faisant autorité sont disponibles.


    Nom du produit

    Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudre



    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre blanche

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

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    Prevention and Treatment of Constipation

    Bifidobacterium bifidum in the intestinal tract grows and proliferates after ingestion of Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder. Oligosaccharides are fermented and decomposed into a large number of short-chain fatty acids (acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, etc.) and gas is produced. This lowers the pH of the intestinal tract and inhibits the growth and metabolism of harmful bacteria. At the same time, it stimulates peristalsis in the intestinal tract, increases the wetness of the feces, and maintains a certain osmotic pressure, thus preventing constipation from occurring. One study found that a trial of 14 women suffering from constipation with an average age of 79.6 years showed that constipation improved after two weeks when elderly people with poor bowel movements consumed 9g of Oligosaccharides Powder per day.


    Improvement of Lipid Metabolism

    Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder has been found to improve lipid metabolism in both human and animal studies. It lowered serum total cholesterol concentrations while increasing the percentage of HDL in the serum. Study subjects were allowed to consume 6-12g of Oligosaccharides powder daily for 2 weeks to 3 months. Subjects showed a significant reduction in both total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and an increase in HDL-cholesterol. Upon cessation of ingestion, the ameliorative effect on serum lipids gradually disappeared and returned to the pre-ingested state.


    Since the reduction in serum cholesterol levels is thought to be the result of a change in the balance of microflora in the gut, it can be assumed that Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder promotes the growth and proliferation of Bifidobacterium bifidum, which controls cholesterol synthesis by affecting the activity of β-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl monoacyl-coenzyme A reductase, leading to a reduction in serum cholesterol levels.


    Relief of Intestinal Inflammation

    Oral consumption of drinking water containing a 10g/100mL Oligosaccharides (GOS) preparation can increase the number of anti-inflammatory flora. Reducing the number of pro-inflammatory flora, thereby potentially preventing the development of rectal cancer. Oligosaccharides relieves intestinal inflammation by safeguarding the integrity of the intestinal barrier primarily by promoting the expression of TJ proteins.



    For Infant Foods:

    The addition of Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder to infant formulas promotes the proliferation of beneficial intestinal flora and creates "breast milk-like" formulas for infants and young children. Galactooligosaccharides are naturally occurring in breast milk and are widely used in infant formulas around the world due to their multiple health benefits.


    In Dairy Products:

    Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder has good solubility and can be easily added to dairy products such as yoghurt, skimmed milk and milk drinks. In yoghurt, GOS powder can be added before fermentation (plain yoghurt, curdled yoghurt) or after fermentation (sweetened or fruit yoghurt). In addition GOS powder has good stability and can also be added after mixing with fruit toppings beforehand. The addition of GOS increases the taste and smoothness of yoghurt.


    In Beverages Field:

    Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder has good acid stability and solution clarification and can be used in juice drinks, breakfast drinks, soft drinks and syrups. It does not decompose when heated at low pH and high temperatures, making it an ideal ingredient for acidic and juice drinks. In addition, the slight sweetness of galactooligosaccharide powder does not significantly affect the taste and sweetness of beverages.


    For Bakery Products:

    The properties of Oligosaccharides (GOS) powder allow it to be used in the development of high-fiber, low-sugar, low-calorie bread or a variety of bakery products. the high-temperature resistance of GOS powder prevents it from disintegrating and failing during high-temperature baking and processing of bakery products, and its moisturizing properties help to prolong the shelf-life of bakery products.


    In Candy Products:

    Oligosaccharides (GOS) powder can partially or completely replace sucrose to achieve sugar reduction, low sugar, or even sugar-free products. It can also be used as a prebiotic or dietary fiber supplement to improve product taste and reduce food calorific value. Moreover, GOS is not digested and absorbed by the human body, and has the effect of preventing dental caries or causing elevated blood sugar.

  • 90% Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS) poudre COA

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