Bilberry Fruit
Bilberry Extract Powder

Poudre d’extrait de myrtille

Source:Vaccinium Uliginosum L. fruits

Ingrédients actifs: anthocyanidines, anthocyanines

Dosage: anthocyanidines :25%;

Anthocyanes :36%;

Méthode d’essai :UV,HPLC

Apparence: poudre Fine violette foncée

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’extrait de myrtille?

    La poudre d’extrait de myrtille est une classe de poudre amorphe obtenue à partir de baies mûres de Vaccinium macrocarpon. L’extrait de myrtille contient une grande quantité d’anthocyanosides et une partie de polysaccharides, pectine, tanins, arbutine, vitamine C et vitamines B. L’anthocyanine a des effets antioxydants et une capacité de récupération des radicaux libres et a également des activités biologiques telles que la régulation anti-inflammatoire, anti-tumorale, des lipides sanguins et l’amélioration de la résistance à l’insuline. La FDA l’a inscrit comme additif alimentaire qui ne nécessite pas de certification.


    La technologie Green Spring fournit une poudre d’extrait de myrtille de haute pureté, qui a une faible teneur en sucre, ne facile pas à absorber l’humidité. Il est principalement obtenu par la méthode d’extraction de l’eau. Tout d’abord, le fruit de la myrtille européenne est broyé sous forme de poudre, puis trempé dans l’eau, puis les ingrédients cibles sont extraits par filtration, évaporation, et d’autres processus, et enfin l’extrait de poudre de myrtille est obtenu.


    Green Spring est une entreprise de haute technologie dirigée par la science et la technologie, qui est engagée dans la recherche et le développement, la production et la vente d’extraits de plantes naturelles. Nous avons un système systématique de gestion de la qualité, appliquons strictement le système de gestion de la qualité, et organisons la production selon oin, HACCP, et d’autres normes de qualité. Chaque étape du processus de production est contrôlée et testée pour s’assurer que le processus de production est conforme et répond aux exigences des pays concernés. Chaque produit est testé pour s’assurer qu’il répond aux normes élevées de l’union européenne, des États-Unis, de l’asie du sud-est et d’autres marchés. Nous avons passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, et beaucoup d’autres certifications. Nous pouvons fournir des rapports d’inspection de tiers faisant autorité.


    Nom du produit

    Extrait de myrtille

    Nom Latin

    Vaccinium uliginosum L.


    Fruit de myrtille

    Ingrédients actifs

    Anthocyanidines, anthocyanes


    Anthocyanidines :25%;

    Anthocyanes :36%;

    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre Fine violette foncée

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

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    The most characteristic components of the European Bilberry fruit are polyphenols, belonging to the class of anthocyanosides and proanthocyanidins. Its strong antioxidant activity contributes significantly to the protection of blood vessels. Many studies have reported that Bilberry Fruit Extract anthocyanosides strongly scavenge free radicals such as superoxide anion and other reactive oxygen species (ROS).


    Beneficial for Vascular Health

    The efficacy of bilberry fruit extracts in vascular health has been validated by numerous clinical assessments, including more than 50 empirical studies, including at least 25 controlled or double-blind studies. The vasoprotective effects of  bilberry fruit extracts are associated with the ability to reduce capillary permeability and increase capillary tolerance through a combination of mechanisms, including stimulation of mucopolysaccharide biosynthesis, inhibition of proteolytic enzymes involved in the degradation of extravascular matrix components, and interactions with collagen metabolism. Of these, stimulation of mucopolysaccharide synthesis is thought to be key to the vasoprotective effects, as mucopolysaccharides play an important role in the physiological mechanisms of perivascular tissues.


    Effects on Small Artery Vasomotion

    Small artery vasomotion is a rhythmic change in the diameter of small arteries in the microvascular network used to regulate the process of interstitial fluid formation. Bilberry fruit extract 36% anthocyanin has been shown to induce small arterial vasomotion and increase the frequency of movement. This suggests that Vaccinium macrocarpon extract can prevent or control the formation of interstitial fluid and improve the distribution of blood flow in the microvascular network in general.


    In the Food Field:

    Bilberry extract powder is a food colorant with good color quality and wide color gamut, which can show different colors in acidic and weakly alkaline environments and can be added to different styles of food. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the United Nations, based on the available toxicological information, considered that anthocyanosides are of "very low toxicity", and included them in the category of food additives of natural coloring. Bilberry extract is also classified as a non-certifiable food additive by the U.S. FDA and is permitted for use in beverages, dairy products, and pastries.


    In the Functional Food:

    A large number of phenolic hydroxyl groups contained in the molecule of anthocyanin in bilberry fruit can strongly fight against uncontrolled oxidation and free radical attack in the body, slow down or inhibit the aging and lesions of the human organism, which can be used as a functional ingredient of functional food, and can also be directly made into dietary supplements. Foreign health product manufacturers often compound anthocyanin with lutein to claim that it has a more perfect eyesight efficacy. Bilberry fruit extract powder is often used as a functional food additive.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    There are many experiments showing that anthocyanosides have antioxidant, apoptosis-inducing, and growth-suppressing effects on mammalian cells and inhibit inflammatory responses. Although anthocyanosides are highly water-soluble substances, experiments have confirmed that the presence of prototype anthocyanosides can be detected in cells, indicating that anthocyanosides can be absorbed by cells through cell membranes, which provides great convenience for the absorption and metabolism of anthocyanosides, and also provides great convenience for anthocyanosides in the form of applications in the pharmaceutical industry. In Europe, the extracts of bilberry fruit with the content of anthocyanosides greater than 24% are used as medicine, in the extracts of European bilberry anthocyanosides have been included in the pharmacopeias of Italy, Germany, and other countries.

  • Poudre d’extrait de myrtille COA

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Extrait de Fruit de sureau 25% anthocyanidines


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