Poudre d’érythritol en vrac
Nom de produit :Erythritol Powder Bulk
Analyse :≥99%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Apparence: poudre cristalline blanche
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
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Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’érythritol?
Érythritol est unSucre naturel alcool édulcorant, largement distribué dans la nature, melon, raisins, pêches, poires, algues, champignons, et ainsi de suite sont contenus. La douceur de l’érythritol est de 60% à 80% de saccharose, avec une douceur pure et un goût frais, et est produite par fermentation.
La valeur calorifique de l’érythritol est le plus bas de tous les alcools de sucre, la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis stipule que sa valeur calorifique de 0,2 kcal/g. Au Japon et dans certains autres pays son une valeur calorifique de 0, ainsi l’érythritol est également connu sous le nom de nourriture de 0 calorie. En outre, en raison du manque d’un système métabolique d’enzymes érythritol, dans la circulation sanguine érythritol ne peut pas être digéré et dégradé, seulement par le rein de l’urine hors du corps, ces caractéristiques métaboliques uniques de l’érythritol ' S faible pouvoir calorifique des caractéristiques de la décision.
La technologie Green Spring fournit de la poudre d’érythritol de qualité alimentaire, qui est produite par la méthode de fermentation microbienne. Cette méthode est douce et facile à contrôler, et en même temps peut considérablement réduire la pollution de l’environnement. L’érythritol en poudre a une grande pureté, aucune impuretés, sûr et respectueux de l’environnement. Le produit des matières premières aux produits finis, la production du processus entier peut être contrôlée et traçable, et la surveillance stricte des résidus de pesticides des matières premières, et la détection de divers polluants sont conformes aux normes mondiales.
Nom du produit
Poudre d’érythritol en vrac
CAS non.
Méthode d’essai
Poudre cristalline blanche
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Zero Calorific Value
Erythritol is a very small molecule, about 90% of it enters the blood circulation after human consumption, and only about 10% of it enters the large intestine directly as a carbon source for fermentation. Since the body has no enzyme system that can directly metabolize erythritol, erythritol is absorbed from the proximal intestine by passive diffusion. Like many low molecular weight organic molecules that do not have an active transport system, the rate of absorption of these organic molecules is related to their molecular size.
Erythritol, due to its small molecular weight, passes through the intestinal membrane faster than mannose and glucose, and it is absorbed in the body but not digested and degraded, and can only be excreted in the urine through the kidneys. This unique physiological metabolic properties of erythritol determine the low calorific value of erythritol. Human intake of erythritol energy value of only 1/10-1/20 of the intake of its energy value of 0.2-0.4 kJ / g, is sucrose energy of five to ten percent, is the lowest of all the sugar alternative alcohols in a kind of energy.
High Tolerance and Low Side Effects
Due to the unique metabolic pathway of erythritol, most of the sugar alcohol after use is excreted by the kidneys and less than 10% enters the intestinal tract. Since the body does not have the enzyme to degrade erythritol, it is broken down in the human body in a very small amount.
Honkala et al. studied the efficacy of erythritol and others on the development of dental enamel and dentin caries, and the results showed that the erythritol group dentin caries had the lowest number of teeth and surfaces, and the least susceptible to caries damage. Erythritol can reduce plaque acid, and reduce the number of Streptococcus mutans in saliva and plaque, thus reducing the risk of dental caries.
In addition, experiments have shown that erythritol anti-caries activity is achieved by three mechanisms: 1, reduce the growth inhibition and acid production of the main bacterial species associated with the development of dental caries; 2, reduce the common streptococcus oral bacterial adhesion to the surface of the teeth; 3, to reduce the weight of plaque in the organism. Therefore, erythritol is cariostatic and has beneficial effects on oral health.
Beneficial to Diabetics
Yokozawa et al. studied the effects of erythritol on streptozotocin-induced diabetes and showed that erythritol significantly reduced glucose levels in the serum, liver, and kidney of diabetic rats. Due to the lack of an enzyme system to metabolize erythritol in the human body, erythritol entering the body is efficiently absorbed without being metabolized and excreted through the renal process, suggesting that erythritol has a limited potential to cause changes in blood glucose and insulin levels.
In the Food Field:
Given the good physicochemical and physiological properties of erythritol, resulting in erythritol powder in the food industry has a very wide range of applications, including confectionery (including chocolate food), health products, dairy beverages, bakery products, soft drinks, and other products.
For Candy and Chocolate Foods:
Over a long period of practical research has proved that the new functional raw material erythritol fully meets the requirements, the taste of erythritol and sucrose, without the need to add another aspartame or saccharin and other powerful sweeteners, made of erythritol confectionery than the other "non-sucrose" confectionery tastes refreshingly cool, its sweetness is pure, no bad aftertaste.
Erythritol and other sugar alcohols can be used together to increase the amount of tolerance to reduce the risk of unilateral use. Erythritol, like other sugar alcohols, can not be used by Streptococcus mutans, can prevent the oral cavity of Streptococcus pyogenes from decay candle tooth enamel, with anti-caries function, so erythritol powder can be used to make confectionery and special dental supplies, to protect the health of teeth has a very effective role in promoting.
For Healthy Food:
Erythritol is not easy to be degraded by enzymes, does not participate in sugar metabolism, does not lead to changes in blood glucose, suitable for diabetic patients' health food applications. Instead of sucrose, erythritol is made into healthy food with low energy value, which is suitable for obese people, hypertensive patients, and cardiovascular patients. The metabolism characteristics in the intestines after consumption, are suitable for people with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Using the anti-caries function, erythritol powder can be made into candies and chewing gums which are beneficial to oral health.
Érythritol poudre en vrac COA
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