Rosmarinic acid

Poudre d’extrait de romarin 90% d’acide rosmarinique

Source: feuille de romarin

Ingrédients actifs: acide rosmarinique

CAS nr.:20283-92-5

Analyse :90%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: poudre Fine blanche Off

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Certificat de formation
  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’extrait de romarin?

    Extrait de romarin poudre Est un ingrédient actif extrait de Rosmarinus Officinalis L., de la famille Labiatae, qui est principalement composé de romarin, de salvinorine et d’acide salicylique. L’extrait de romarin a le rendement élevé, la sécurité, et d’autres caractéristiques, largement utilisé dans les cosmétiques, les parfums, les savons, les désodorisants anti-insectes, la médecine, les diverses graisses et huiles animales et végétales, l’alimentation animale, les produits carneux, les fruits de mer, la farine, les sauces, les vinaigrettes, les produits de boulangerie, les produits frits, la coloration naturelle, les arômes, les pesticides biologiques, le tabac, et d’autres domaines, en particulier, peuvent être utilisés pour le traitement des tumeurs hématologiques, les maladies cardiovasculaires, anticancéreux, Inhibition de l’infection par le vih, traitement de l’indigestion, prévention d’alzheimer' maladies cardiaques, hyperuricémie et maladies respiratoires.


    vert Fournitures de technologie de printempsPoudre d’extrait de romarin 90%Acide rosmarinique avec des propriétés stables, bonne solubilité, clarifié et transparent après dissous dans l’eau, sans précipitation. Faibles résidus de pesticides, faibles résidus de solvants, métaux lourds conformément à la pharmacopée européenne, la pharmacopée japonaise, la pharmacopée américaine et d’autres normes internationales.


    Fondée en 2000, Green Spring Technology s’engage à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Les produits ont établi un système de traçabilité parfait et tous les produits sont traçables. Green Spring applique strictement le système de gestion de la qualité et organise la production selon ISO, HACCP et d’autres normes de qualité. Il a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO et beaucoup d’autres certifications.



    Nom du produit

    Extrait de romarin

    Nom Latin

    Rosmarinus officinalis L.

    CAS non.



    Feuille de romarin

    Ingrédients actifs

    Acide rosmarinique



    Méthode d’essai



    Blanc cassé poudre Fine

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?



    Rosemary extract rosemarinic acid is an important natural phenolic acid compound, its structure of o-diphenol hydroxyl and C-3 position of the conjugated double bond, so it has a good antioxidant effect, and its oxidation capacity is stronger than chlorogenic acid, vitamin E, caffeic acid.


    Rosemarinic acid can exert antioxidant activity through different pathways, scavenging nitrogen-oxygen radicals, reducing the generation of reactive oxygen species, degrading pro-oxidant compounds, increasing antioxidant molecules such as glutathione, and activating nuclear factor E2-related factor 2, which activates the corresponding antioxidant enzymes. Vostálová et al. showed that rosemarinic acid can significantly reduce the generation of reactive oxygen species, and decrease the secretion of leukin-6 (interleukin-6) (interleukin-3) by T cells and macrophages, which is the most important antioxidant in the world. interleukin-6 (IL-6) by T cells and macrophages, thus avoiding the production of human keratinocytes induced by medium-wave UV light.


    Skin Conditioning

    Rosemary extract has a strong and extensive inhibitory effect on the oxidation of various complex lipids, which can protect DNA and maintain cell viability; Inhibiting the production of immune factors, hindering the occurrence of enzymatic reactions caused by inflammatory factors, inhibiting the formation of pathological cells, and inhibiting the aggregation, adhesion, and migration of inflammatory cells; It can inhibit acute and chronic infections and has resistance to ultraviolet rays.



    Rosemary extract powder contains a variety of effective active ingredients, most of which have antioxidant properties, is a pure natural non-toxic antioxidant; high temperature resistance, 240 ° C high temperature can still show a superior antioxidant effect.



    Rosemary extract can enhance the activity of superoxide dismutase SOD and catalase CAT, thus enhancing the body's ability to scavenge oxygen free radicals and slow down skin aging. It can also inhibit collagenase and elastase activity, reducing the breakdown of collagen and elastin and keeping the skin elastic and youthful.



    Rosemary extract rosemarinic acid has a modulating effect on a variety of cancers such as colon cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, etc. Cao et al. found that rosemarinic acid can have therapeutic effects on hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines and NF-κB pathway in the tumor microenvironment, inhibiting the expression of IL-6 and IL-10 by modulating the value of CD4+/CD8+ and the secretion of IL-2 and γ-interferon. Down-regulation of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), up-regulation of Bcl-2 associated X protein (Bax) and cysteine aspartate protease-3 expression, thus effectively inhibiting tumor growth.


    Han et al. found that rosemarinic acid inhibited tumor cell invasion and migration by inducing phosphorylation of adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK), decreased the expression of MMP2 and MMP9, and reduced adhesion and adhesion molecules such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1, integrin β1 expression, which in turn inhibited colorectal cancer cell proliferation. In addition, in a mouse model, rosemarinic acid significantly reduced the number of lung metastatic tumor nodules by activating AMPK.


    In the Food Field:

    Rosemary Extract powder Rosmarinic acid is a natural antioxidant, mostly used in dairy products, oil-rich foods, animal and vegetable fats, confectionery, and baked goods, and also used as a spice for flavoring. Rosemary extract rosemarinic acid is a natural preservative. It extends the shelf life of the food, on the other hand, the natural, green properties, to a certain extent, attenuate the harm of the particular food on the human body, therefore, rosemary extract rosemarinic acid is more widely used in the food field.


    For Health Products:

    Rosmarinic acid, an extract of rosemary, has the effects of enhancing memory, refreshing the mind, promoting drowsiness, and improving tension. Also, because rosmarinic acid, a natural plant extract, is safer and greener compared to other extracts, it is a significant advantage that can be utilized for the health product industry with health needs.


    In Cosmetics:

    Rosemary acid extract powder rosemary acid antioxidant, to a certain extent, can inhibit the formation of melanin, to whiten effect. On the other hand, rosemary extract rosemary acid also has delicate skin, the role of delayed aging, so that rosemary acid in the field of cosmetics has been more widely used.


    For Skin Care Products:

    Rosemary extract powder rosemary acid can promote scalp blood circulation, and improve the scalp environment while reducing the occurrence of dandruff and stimulating hair growth, moisturizing the hair, natural rosemary plant extracts, greatly meet the part of the toiletries industry's green, environmentally friendly concepts, and thus in the care of the field of rosemary extract rosemary acid is also popular.

  • Poudre d’extrait de romarin 90% acide rosmarinique COA

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