Sea Buckthorn Powder
Sea Buckthorn Powder

Poudre d’argousier

Nom Latin :Hippophae rhamnoides Linn

Source: Fruit de l’argousier

Méthode d’essai :UV

Apparence: poudre Fine jaune

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’argousier?

    La poudre d’argousier est un produit en poudre fabriqué à partir de fruits d’argousier. Il est riche en vitamine C, vitamine E, carotène et de nombreux autres nutriments, et est largement utilisé dans les aliments, les produits de santé et les cosmétiques. La poudre d’argousier peut favoriser le métabolisme, améliorer l’immunité, réguler les lipides sanguins, protéger cardiovasculaire et ainsi de suite.


    La technologie Green Spring fournit une mer de haute qualitéPoudre d’argousier, qui est broyé baies d’argousier, lyophilisé à moins 40 degrés à moins 50 degrés, puis en poudre sous haute pression, et ses nutriments peuvent être conservés plus de 90%. Il est libre et uniforme, poudre fine jaune ou orange-jaune, avec l’arôme inhérent et le goût du fruit d’argousier et aucune odeur particulière.


    Le printemps vert est une principale société de biotechnologie en Chine, fondée en 2000, qui a été consacrée à la recherche et au développement de fournir des extraits de plantes de haute qualité. Green Spring a mis en place un système complet de traçabilité pour tous ses produits. Elle organise sa production selon les normes de qualité ISO, HACCP et autres, et ses produits appliquent les normes les plus élevées de l’industrie internationale, en conformité avec ue EC396, ue 2023/915, et les normes les plus élevées de résidus de solvants.




    Nom du produit

    Poudre d’argousier

    Nom Latin

    Hippophae rhamnoides Linn


    Argousier Fruit

    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre Fine jaune

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

    Vous cherchez un devis?



    Sea buckthorn has good antioxidant ability and can effectively scavenge free radicals. It is found that among the sea buckthorn in Xinjiang, the hydroxyl radical scavenging ability of the green fruit phase is the strongest close to 100%. The DPPH radical scavenging ability of sea buckthorn oil increases with the increase of concentration, which is an excellent free radical inhibitor. Sea buckthorn berry flavonoids, sea buckthorn flavonoids from Zhangye large-fruited sea buckthorn, and wild sea buckthorn branch and leaf flavonoids from Xinjiang could scavenge ABTS free radicals, and sea buckthorn juice had a great reducing power even in low-dose extracts compared with other fruits of huckleberries and yangmei.



    Flavonoids and alkaloids in sea buckthorn can remove free radicals in the human body, slow down the aging of the body, regulate and balance the human body functions, keep the skin smooth and delicate with elasticity, and make the body maintain normal metabolic function. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) contained in sea buckthorn is a kind of biological enzyme with super antioxidant ability, which has a very important role in removing free radicals in the human body, especially for the age spots, age pigmentation has a very good effect on preventing and controlling, SOD can also protect the skin from the damage of ultraviolet rays. Meanwhile, sea buckthorn is rich in vitamin C and can promote collagen formation, thus making the skin elastic and lustrous.


    Lowering Blood Lipid

    Sea buckthorn flavonoids can assist in lowering serum total cholesterol and can be used in the treatment of hyperlipidaemic patients and elevated blood lipids caused by high cholesterol foods. By studying the effect of sea buckthorn polysaccharide on experimental hyperlipidaemia in mice, it is proved that sea buckthorn polysaccharide has the efficacy of lowering serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), lowering total cholesterol (TC) in the liver, and the elevation of blood glucose induced by high-fat diet, and that sea buckthorn stanols can repair the damaged hepatocyte structure and reduce intracellular cytoplasmic lipids, which has a significant hypolipidaemic effect.


    Improve Immunity

    The amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, unsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, alkaloids, and more than 200 kinds of nutrients in sea buckthorn are essential to the human body, and among them, there are more than 20 kinds of amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body, which can satisfy human body's needs and can effectively improve human immunity.


    Promote Digestion

    Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of amino acids, organic acids, chlorogenic acids, and other phenolic compounds. They can promote the biosynthesis of gastric acid and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Sea buckthorn powder can eliminate food stagnation, strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach, and relieve liver and Qi. It is excellent for indigestion, abdominal distension and pain, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, enteritis, chronic constipation and so on.



    Recently, a new study found that the free fatty acids in sea buckthorn seed oil have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Sea buckthorn flavonoids have been tested and found to have significant protective effects on lipopolysaccharide (LPS/CS)-induced airway inflammation, which can be used as a new therapeutic agent for respiratory diseases. Sea buckthorn polysaccharides could protect cells from LPS-induced inflammation in vitro by inhibiting Toll-like receptor 4 and nuclear transcription factor-κB signalling pathways. The anti-inflammatory activity of sea buckthorn leaf extract was verified by establishing a rat adjuvant arthritis model.


    Helps Fight Cancer

    Sea buckthorn has a variety of bioactive functions, such as anti-cancer. Studies have shown that flavonoids in sea buckthorn are significantly associated with cellular antioxidant and intracellular antiproliferative activities, and are more effective in inhibiting the proliferation of human cancer cells HepG2. Different polar solvent extracts of sea buckthorn showed strong anticancer activity against human cancer cells.


    In the Food Field:

    Sea buckthorn powder is rich in vitamin C, trace elements, flavonoids, amino acids, soluble sugar, and other biologically active substances, it has a distinctive sea buckthorn fruit flavor. It can be used in beverages, candy, yogurt, biscuits, and other food.


    For Healthcare Products:

    In medicine and health care, sea buckthorn powder can be used for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system diseases, expectorant, lung, nourishing the stomach and spleen, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, burns, trauma and frostbite, and other aspects of the preparations.

  • Argousier en poudre COA

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Poudre de fruits bleuets


Seabuckthorn Berry poudre

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