Xylo Oligosaccharide poudre 35%
Dosage :35%,70%,80%,95%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Apparence: poudre Fine jaunâtre à blanche
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
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- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ce que la poudre d’oligosaccharide de Xylo?
Le Xylooligosaccharide (XOS) est un prébiotique important, un régulateur intestinal et un facteur de bifurcation avec une fonction de facteur de bifurcation qui est 10-20 fois plus grande que celle des autres sucres polymères. Il s’agit d’un mélange d’oligosaccharides composé de 2-7 molécules de xylose liées par des liaisons glycosidiques β-1,4. Il a une variété d’activités biologiques telles que l’immunomodulation, les antioxydants, la régulation de la flore intestinale, anti-tumeur, etc., et est largement utilisé comme additif dans les aliments, les médicaments, les aliments pour animaux et les cosmétiques.
Fournitures de technologie de printemps vertXylo Oligosaccharide poudre35% qui est fait par la méthode de ferment, sa pureté est haute, les sous-produits sont moins, aucune pollution, vert.
Fondée en 2000, Green Spring Technology s’engage à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Nos produits sont fabriqués selon les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, en conformité avec ue EC396, ue 2023/915, et les normes les plus élevées de résidus de solvants. Nous avons mis en place un système complet de traçabilité pour tous nos produits. vert Spring a obtenu Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, et de nombreuses autres certifications. Des rapports de tests de tiers faisant autorité sont disponibles.
Nom du produit
Xylo Oligosaccharide poudre
Méthode d’essai
Poudre Fine jaunâtre à blanche
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Regulation of Intestinal Flora
Xylo-oligosaccharides are highly selective for the proliferation of probiotics such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli but have a significant inhibitory effect on pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, enterococci, and Clostridium difficile. Xylo-oligosaccharide is the smallest oligosaccharide with effective intake of 0.7~1.4 g/d. There is no enzyme to hydrolyze β-1,4 glycosidic bond in an animal body, so xylo-oligosaccharide can not be degraded by gastric acid and absorbed by the intestinal mucosa, and it can provide a carbon source for intestinal microorganisms.
In vitro experiments have shown that xylo-oligosaccharide XOS can play an immunomodulatory role by regulating the expression of several pro-inflammatory factors. In lipopolysaccharide-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells, xylo-oligosaccharide inhibited the expression of TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α), IL (interleukin)-6, IL-1β, and NO, and stimulated the production of IL-10.
The abundance of free radicals usually increases during acute and chronic diseases in humans, and it has been shown that Xylo Oligosaccharide have strong antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities. Zhu Jier et al. found that the addition of XOS significantly reduced oxidized glutathione levels and malondialdehyde levels in serum, heart, and liver in both high-fat dietary mice and normal chow-fed mice compared to the blank control group, while increased reduced glutathione levels were greatly increased. It was also found that the expression levels of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in the heart of mice fed a high-fat diet with Xylo Oligosaccharides were significantly increased compared to the blank control group, and the antioxidant enzyme content was not significantly different from that of normal mice.
Beta-1,3-XOS extracted from the green alga Caulerpa lentillifera with an average degree of polymerisation of 5 inhibited the number of living human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner, showing its potential to be able to be developed as a preventive and therapeutic drug for breast cancer.
In the Food Field:
Xylo Oligosaccharide powder is very stable and has ideal processing resistance, it is better used in baked goods. The acid resistance of oligosaccharide powder can be stable even at pH2, and it is adapted to almost all types of food processing. Such as liquid milk, yoghurt, milk powder, lactic acid bacteria drinks, carbonated beverages, baked goods, condiments, desserts and pastries, all kinds of canned goods, confectionery and so on. Xylo Oligosaccharide powder can also be used as humectant or low calorie additive in food.
For Healthcare Products:
As a high-quality prebiotic, xylo-oligosaccharide is not only able to regulate intestinal flora, but also confirmed by many studies to have the effect of improving immunity, lowering blood pressure, blood lipids, blood glucose, and alleviating obesity, constipation, and diabetes. As a prebiotic, xylo-oligosaccharide has been used in the health food industry.
For Feed Product:
Some studies have shown that adding prebiotics to feed can regulate the number of probiotics in the animal's intestinal tract and reduce lesions caused by intestinal bacterial infections while preventing the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria. Xylo-oligosaccharide improves resistance to bacterial infection, prevents diarrhoea, reduces pathogen proliferation, and increases animal survival in mice, rats, pigs, broilers, hamsters, and guinea pigs. Xylo-oligosaccharide powder can also effectively increase the number of enterococci and lactobacilli in the intestinal tract of ruminants and improve the digestibility of animals. At present, xylo-oligosaccharide has been used in egg poultry, meat poultry, pig, dairy cattle and other breeding.
Xylo Oligosaccharide poudre 35% COA
Cosmos 2023
Halal 2023
Casher 2023