99% PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) Bulk Powder

99% PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) poudre en vrac

Nom de produit :PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) Bulk Powder 

Analyse: 99,0%

Méthode d’essai :HPLC

Apparence: rouge à rouge-brun poudre

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

  • Description Description
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  • Certificat de formation
  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre PQQ?

    PQQ, également connu sous le nom de pyrroloquinoline quinone, 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dioxo-1h-pyrrolo [2,3-f] quinoline-2,7,9-tricarboxylique acide, formule moléculaire C14H6N2O8, poids moléculaire 330.206.


    La source initiale de PQQ dans la nature a probablement été synthétisée par des bactéries gram-négatives utilisant le glutamate et la tyrosine comme substrats. La PQQ dans les tissus végétaux peut être dérivée de la biosynthèse par des micro-organismes interracinaires, qui à leur tour pénètrent les animaux par la chaîne alimentaire. La production de pyrroloquinoléine quinone par synthèse microbienne ou chimique a été industrialisée.


    PQQ (pyrroloquinoléine Quinone)Soutient la croissance et le développement mitochondriaux, stimule la croissance rapide des cellules humaines, et possède de puissantes propriétés antioxydantes qui peuvent aider à récupérer les radicaux libres et à réduire les dommages cellulaires. Il a un rôle puissant dans la santé cardiovasculaire, la santé du cerveau, la santé de la fonction métabolique, etc. Il peut principalement aider la récupération physique et anti-fatigue.


    Green Spring Technology fournit 99% de la population PQQ (Pyrroloquinoléine Quinone) poudre en vrac, stable, haute teneur, poudre fine, bonne solubilité, aucun résidu de pesticide, et faible résidu de solvant. Green Spring a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO et de nombreuses autres certifications. Green Spring s’est toujours engagé à fournir à ses clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques. Tous les produits que nous offrons sont mis en œuvre selon les normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie. Les rapports des essais faisant autorité de tiers sont disponibles.



    Nom du produit

    Pyrroloquinoline Quinone

    CAS non. 

    Téléphone: 72909-34-3



    Méthode d’essai



    Poudre rouge à rouge-brun

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

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    Growth Promoting Factors

    Poor mitochondrial physical and mental health is associated with a variety of common diseases, including IQ decline, heart disease, diabetics and cancer. Controlled studies in mice fed with PQQ have shown that PQQ powder not only promotes mitochondrial growth, but also prolongs the life of the active components of mitochondrial biosynthesis, avoids oxidation of vital air, and enhances energy utilization. However, in tissue cell experiments, pyrroloquinoline quinone powder was able to stimulate human fibroblast DNA production, copying and cellular metabolism when PQQ concentration values were relatively low.


    Researchers have analyzed that improving mitochondrial physical and mental health is likely to be the reason behind many of PQQ's physical and mental health benefits, such as improved kinetic energy, memory and sleep quality.



    In an experiment analyzing the association between pyrroloquinoline quinone powder and stroke and cervical cord injury, it was found that PQQ powder could reduce neuronal death, and at the same time effectively promote the functional recovery of rat spinal nerves after hemisection injury.PQQ significantly reversed the reduction of Bax/Bcl-2 caused by β-amyloid convergence and suppressed the cleavage of Caspase-3. Pyrroloquinoline quinone powder suppressed the establishment of amyloid and its cytotoxicity of shortened α-synuclein and maintained neuronal cells damaged by the toxic side effects of β-amyloid convergence. PQQ powder inhibits the establishment of amyloid and the cytotoxicity of shortened α-synuclein, and maintains neuronal cells damaged by the toxic side effects of β-amyloid aggregation.


    An exploration of 41 Japanese older adults tested the autonomic impact of PQQ. Over 12 weeks of days, study subjects were split into 2 groups, each taking 20mg of PQQ or a placebo effect. Cognitive tests illustrated that pyrroloquinoline quinone powder boosted memory and concentration, and brain scans uncovered elevated blood volume.



    The antioxidant effect of pyrroloquinoline quinone(PQQ) powder could be significantly noticed in the test of PQQ poultry and livestock. It was found that PQQ can inhibit the establishment of sodium peroxynitrite, block SIN-1-induced ATP deprivation, and eliminate superoxide anion to prevent the nitration reaction of bovine serum albumin. In addition, PQQ blocked the neurotoxin 6-methylcholine from causing ozone and reduced the cytotoxicity of 6-methyldopamine.



    For Health Products:

    Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) powder can be used as a therapeutic aid in heart disease, neurological disorders, liver protection, etc. The nutritional and efficacy value of PQQ  has been recognized and it has become a popular mitochondrial supplement in foreign countries. PQQ has been widely used in brain health, energy supplementation, cardiovascular health, beauty and many other areas.PQQ powder is not only used alone but also combined with traditional mitochondrial supplements such as Coenzyme Q10, Lipoic Acid, Taurine, L-Carnitine, and so on.


    In the Food Field:

    In recent years, as awareness continues to grow, PQQ has achieved the most comprehensive efficacy certification and has been classified as a high safety dietary supplement in the United States and the European Union.


    United States: Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) has obtained GRAS certification from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and can be used as an ingredient in food products such as energy drinks, sports drinks, electrolyte drinks, and bottled water; in 2009, the first PQQ dietary supplement was approved in the United States for the first time, and the supplement ingredient is the sodium salt of PQQ (PQQ-2Na+) since PQQ is slightly soluble in water.


    EU: On 13 August 2018, the European Commission (ESFA) published Regulation (EU) 2018/1122 approving pyrroloquinoline quinone sodium salt as a novel food. Following Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Commission amended the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 for the use of pyrroloquinoline quinone sodium salt as a dietary supplement as defined in Directive 2002/46/EC for the target population of adults excluding pregnant and breastfeeding women, with a maximum dosage of pyrroloquinoline quinone sodium salt of 20mg/day.

  • 99% PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) poudre en vrac COA

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Pyrroloquinoléine Quinone poudre 99% HPLC


Pyrroloquinoléine Quinone poudre (PQQ) en vrac 99%

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