Poudre de phosphatidylsérine en vrac 20%
Nom de produit :Phosphatidylserine Powder Bulk 20%
Analyse: 20,0%
Méthode d’essai :HPLC
Apparence: jaune clair à poudre Fine jaune brun
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
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- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ce que la poudre de phosphatidylsérine?
La phosphatidylsérine est également connue sous le nom d’acide neuronique complexe, ou PS en abrégé. C’est un phospholipide membranaire important dans les cellules bactériennes, levures, plantes et mammifères. Il est la substance active des membranes cellulaires et est généralement situé dans la couche interne de la membrane cellulaire. On le trouve surtout dans le système nerveux humain. Sa fonction est principalement d’améliorer les cellules nerveuses et#39; Fonction et réguler la conduction d’impulsion nerveuse, aussi bien que pour jouer un rôle important dans la régulation du cerveau et#39; S diverses fonctions (en particulier pour le cerveau et#39; S la mémoire et la stabilité émotionnelle).
La phosphatidylsérine est une classe omniprésente de phospholipides, appartenant à la classe d’ester de phosphoglycérol des composés d’ester de phosphore, et est dérivée de sources naturelles telles que le cerveau des bovins (moutons) ou le soja. En raison de sa structure chimique unique, la phosphatidylsérine est amphiphile, c’est-à-dire qu’elle est hydrophile et lipophile, ainsi elle est facilement absorbée dans le corps. Sa lipophilie forte, après absorption, peut rapidement entrer dans le cerveau par la barrière hémato-encéphalique, jouer un rôle dans l’apaisement des cellules musculaires lisses des vaisseaux sanguins, et augmenter l’apport sanguin au cerveau.
Fournitures de technologie de printemps vertPoudre de phosphatidylsérineEn vrac 20% 20%, qui est fabriqué à partir de lécithine de soja et de L-serine, purifié et concentré par la réaction de conversion de phospholipase, puis purifié deux fois, et séché. Aucun résidu de solvant, bonne solubilité, aucune impuretés, en maintenant le goût original et la couleur des matières premières.
Green Spring Technology est spécialisée dans la recherche et la production de principes actifs végétaux depuis plus de 20 ans, dans le strict respect des normes internationales telles que la pharmacopée européenne, la pharmacopée américaine et la pharmacopée japonaise. La société a passé Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO et beaucoup d’autres certifications. Nous pouvons fournir des rapports des essais faisant autorité de tiers.
Nom du produit
20% de phosphatidylsérine en poudre
Nom Latin
Glycine max (Linn.) Merr.
CAS non.
Le soja
Ingrédients actifs
Méthode d’essai
Jaune clair à jaune brun poudre Fine
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Repair Brain Damage and Improve Cognitive
Phosphatidyl serine is one of the main components of the brain's nerves, which can nourish and activate the activity of various enzymes in the brain, and can delay the process of neurotransmitter reduction. Helps repair and update damaged brain cells and eliminate harmful substances.
Suzuki S et al. examined a Morris underwater maze escape test in memory-impaired adult rats. The results showed that the behavior of male adult rats was significantly improved by feeding trans phosphatidyl synthesized soybean phosphatidylserine (SB-tPS) for 60 d. The test also found that the phosphatidylserine powder contained a product that promoted the release of acetylcholine and the activity of the enzyme Na+/K+-ATPase, and that, as acetylcholine accumulates in the brain, the transmission of messages between nerve cells in the brain is accelerated, thus contributing to the promotion of brain function and the enhancement of memory, thinking and analytical ability.
Improves Cognition
Phosphatidylserine keeps brain cells mobile and permeable. This neuroplasticity helps neurons form new connections necessary for memory formation. It increases mental energy by facilitating the flow of glucose and oxygen needed by brain cells. Phosphatidylserine is an integral part of the flow of key neurotransmitters such as dopamine and acetylcholine. Phospholipids contain choline, the precursor to acetylcholine (ACh). Therefore, more PS will increase the levels of ACh in our brains, which will improve cognition.
Stress Release
Phosphatidylserine powder promotes the release of these 4 major neurotransmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine. This speeds up communication between brain cells and significantly reduces excessive levels of stress hormones in people with stressful jobs. Reduces stress and relieves brain fatigue. It also promotes concentration, improves alertness and memory, and relieves bad moods.
Drago F et al. found that it took a shorter time than the control group to recover normal body temperature after phosphatidylserine injection in elderly rats with elevated body temperature due to restraint and repression, suggesting that phosphatidylserine can enhance self-protection in elderly rats in emergencies.
Koutoku T injected PS into chicks using the ventricular injection method, and then the chicks were returned to their original cages and isolated in plastic cages for 10 min. It was found that the number of vocalizations and spontaneous activities in the group injected with 160 μg of phosphatidylserine was significantly lower than those in the blank group, and it was inferred that phosphatidylserine was able to alleviate the isolation-induced stressful and depressing state.
For Health Products:
In May 2006, the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) permitted the addition of phosphatidylserine powder to products that prominently display PS and advertise that the products have the function of "improving bad mood, enhancing memory and preventing dementia", etc. In October 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Phosphatidylserine GRAS (Genearlly Recognised As Safe), which means that phosphatidylserine powder can be added as a nutritionally fortified functional food ingredient in yoghurt, milk powder, bread, solid beverages and other food products, and PS is the only FDA-approved functional ingredient with a cognitive health claim.
In the Food Field:
In October 2009, the European Union listed soy-derived phosphatidylserine powder as a New Food Ingredient (Novel Food). On 12 October 2010, the former Ministry of Health of China (now the Health and Welfare Commission) added phosphatidylserine powder to the list of Novel Food Ingredients (New Resources) (Announcement No. 15 of 2010), which allows it to be used as a Novel Food Ingredient.
Poudre de phosphatidylsérine en vrac 20% COA
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