DL Alpha tocophérol 1430IU
CAS nr.:10191-41-0
Spécification :1430IU
Méthode d’essai :GC
Apparence: poudre blanche
Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005
- Description Description
- Fiche technique
- Certificat de formation
Qu’est-ce que le DL Alpha tocophérol?
Dl Alpha tocophérol est un α-tocophérol racémique synthétique, soluble dans les graisses et les huiles parce que sa chaîne de carbone est saturée de longues chaînes, a une forte affinité avec le corps humain et est facilement absorbé; Et parce qu’il contient des groupes hydroxyle phénoliques et des liaisons π-off-domaine riches en électrons, il peut être utilisé comme un bon donneur d’hydrogène pour récupérer efficacement l’oxygène libre et les radicaux peroxyles. À l’heure actuelle, le DL -α-tocophérol a été largement utilisé dans les industries alimentaires, chimiques, pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques. Dans l’application de préparations pharmaceutiques, l’alpha tocophérol de Dl est utilisé comme antioxydant en raison de sa propriété de réduction très forte, qui peut capturer les radicaux libres et bloquer la réaction en chaîne de l’auto-oxydation, maintenant ainsi la stabilité des médicaments.
dl-alpha-tocophérolEst produit par la réaction de 2,3,5-triméthylhydroquinone et isophytol et agit comme antioxydant dans les préparations pharmaceutiques. Le dl-alpha-tocophérol pur est un liquide huileux incolore ou jaune-brun, soluble dans l’acétone, l’éthanol anhydre, le dichlorométhane, les huiles et les graisses, et insoluble dans l’eau.
Green Spring Technology fournit DL Alpha tocophérol 1430IU avec une technologie de traitement spéciale, non seulement réduit l’acidité dans DL Alpha tocophérol, mais réduit également la teneur en impuretés et améliore la pureté du produit. Dans les cas où la teneur totale en impuretés est contrôlée à environ 0,5 %, la teneur en DL Alpha tocophéroll peut atteindre 99,5 % ou plus.
Nom du produit
DL Alpha Tocopherol
CAS non.
Méthode d’essai
Poudre blanche
Résidus de pesticides
Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005
Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.
Vous cherchez un devis?Benefits:
Reduces Acute and Chronic Photodamage
DL Alpha Tocopherol is incorporated into the lipid structure of cell membranes and intercellular fillers, which are also the most susceptible areas to UV damage. Studies have shown that topical topical application of tocopherols can protect the skin from UV damage and reduce acute and chronic photodamage.
Protects Skin and Reduces Discoloration
DL Alpha Tocopherol protects epithelial cells from oxidized lipids, enhances skin capillary resistance, and maintains normal permeability, improving blood circulation. In addition, tocopherol inhibits tyrosinase, an oxidizing enzyme involved in the regulation of melanin production.
Improvement of Livestock and Poultry Performance
Sun Defa et al. studied the effects of α-tocopherol succinate on lipid peroxidation and lipid metabolism in broiler chickens, and the results showed that the combination of α-tocopherol succinate and high fat in broiler diets could significantly improve broiler chickens' performance and alleviate the problems of lipid overdeposition and peroxidation brought about by the addition of fats and oils.
Wang Changqin et al. also showed that the addition of α-tocopherol succinate could improve broiler performance, serum antioxidant function, and immunity to a certain extent. Zhang Lili et al. investigated the effects of adding different amounts of α-tocopherol succinate to the diet of laying hens on the quality of eggs and the biochemical indexes of laying hens, and the results showed that the addition of appropriate amounts of α-tocopherol succinate to the basal diet could increase the laying rate of laying hens, increase the VE deposition in the yolks, and at the same time, decrease the total cholesterol content of yolks, and increase the nutritive value of eggs.
Tocopherol Vitamin E is a highly effective antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage in the body. Together with superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, vitamin E forms the antioxidant system in the body that protects cell membranes and intracellular nucleic acids from free radical attack.
In Cosmetics:
Tocopheryl acetate is often used as an antioxidant in cosmetics and has excellent antioxidant effects. It is an oil-soluble natural substance that is an excellent nutritional moisturizer for the skin. In moisturizing and maintaining connective tissue, as well as protecting the skin from ultraviolet damage are very good performance, the ingredient can make the skin feel soft to the touch and keep the skin moisture, to promote wound healing, prevention of inflammation to prevent the skin from roughness chapped, and to improve the dark spots.
In the Food Field:
D-alpha-tocopheryl succinate can be used as a food additive to improve the antioxidant properties of foods and extend their shelf life. At the same time, it can also increase the nutritional value of food and improve the antioxidant capacity of the human body.
In Pharmaceutical:
D-alpha-tocopheryl succinate can be used as a raw material in the pharmaceutical field for the manufacture of various antioxidant drugs. These drugs can be used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases caused by free radicals, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
For Feed Product:
DL Alpha Tocopherol can be used as a feed additive to improve the antioxidant capacity of animals and reduce the incidence of animal diseases. This not only improves the health of the animals but also improves their production performance.
DL Alpha tocophérol 1430IU COA
Cosmos 2023
Halal 2023
Casher 2023