Nattokinase Powder 20000Fu

Nattokinase poudre 20000FU

Nom de produit :Nattokinase Powder

Spécification :20000FU/G

Apparence: jaune blanc-off poudre blanche

Méthode d’essai :UV

Résidu de Pesticide: conforme à la norme (ce) No 396/2005

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  • Qu’est-ce que la poudre de Nattokinase 20000FU?

    Nattokinase est une protéine avec un poids moléculaire beaucoup plus petit que UK, SK, et tPA, extrait de natto alimentaire ou produit par des bactéries natto. Il peut être absorbé par l’intestin et la thrombolyse de la nattokinase in vitro et in vivo. L’activité thrombolytique in vivo de la nattokinase est quatre fois supérieure à celle de la plasmine, et son action dans le corps est rapide et durable. Il peut également activer tPA dans le corps, ce qui en fait augmenter légèrement et continuellement l’activité fibrinolytique du sang.


    La teneur en activité de la nattokinase est la principale norme pour mesurer la qualité des produits de nattokinase. L’unité standard internationale pour la nattokinase est "FU", qui fait référence à la teneur en nattokinase dans chaque produit de nattokinase. Plus la valeur FU est grande, plus la teneur en activité de la nattokinase est élevée et plus la capacité à dissoudre les caillots sanguins est forte.


    Nattokinase poudre 20000FUSe réfère à la teneur en nattokinase dans la poudre de nattokinase, qui est 20000FU. Ce type de nattokinase a une activité élevée et une forte capacité à dissoudre les caillots sanguins.


    Green Spring Technology fournit Nattokinase poudre 20000 FU, qui élimine la vitamine K2 pour assurer sa bonne efficacité. Le printemps vert a une équipe de recherche professionnelle, une équipe stricte de gestion de production, et une équipe professionnelle de ventes. Nous nous engageons à fournir à nos clients des extraits de plantes naturels, sûrs et biologiques depuis 23 ans. Tous les produits que nous fournissons sont conformes aux normes internationales les plus élevées de l’industrie, sont conformes aux normes ue EC396, ue 2023/915 et aux normes les plus élevées de résidus de solvants. A passé plusieurs certifications telles que Halal, casher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, etc. Nous pouvons fournir des rapports des essais de tiers faisant autorité.




    Nom du produit

    Poudre de Nattokinase

    CAS non.




    Méthode d’essai



    Jaune blanc-off poudre blanche

    Résidus de pesticides

    Conforme à la norme (ce) n ° 396/2005


    Il est conforme à la réglementation de l’ue.

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    Nattokinase is a highly competitive new thrombolytic agent that has a bidirectional thrombolytic effect. The thrombolytic power is strong, rapid and long-lasting. It indirectly achieves thrombolysis by directly breaking down the thrombus and increasing the amount of tissue tissue cytoplasmic plasminogen activator.


    At the same time, the precursor of activated urokinase is converted into active urokinase to decompose the enzyme by acting on the thrombus, effectively dissolving the thrombus. Compared with the 3-5 minutes action time of urokinase, the action time of Nattokinase is up to 8 hours, and it is safe and without side effects. The use of Nattokinase powder can improve the blood environment, clean up the vascular rubbish, reduce the discomfort symptoms caused by various blood clots, thus making the condition better.


    Lowering Blood Pressure

    Nattokinase powder, an extract of natto, is very beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Nattokinase is a special enzyme in natto, and an effective element in natto with health functions, which can reduce blood pressure by preventing the formation of blood clots and promoting the dissolution of blood clots, which leads to smooth blood circulation.


    Reduce Fat and Cholesterol in Blood

    Nattokinase has the effect of inhibiting platelet coagulation, which has the function of preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, lowering cholesterol and smoothing blood flow. Natto is best consumed after dinner. This is because thrombotic diseases, such as myocardial infarction tend to attack at night or in the morning, and the rate of thrombus dissolution is higher 2-8 hours after consuming natto. So eating natto at night can effectively prevent the onset of such diseases. In addition nattokinase powder has a certain cholesterol-lowering effect, can be used as an adjunctive drug therapy to lower cholesterol.


    Alcohol Detoxification

    Nattokinase powder also has the function of alcohol detoxification: after Nattokinase enters the human body, it builds an alcohol protection barrier through three channels: it enters the human liver system to break down the pressure of liver detoxification and assist in the detoxification of alcohol; it enters the human vascular system to form a key protective barrier in the cerebrovascular region to resist the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the brain; it enters the human digestive system to rapidly form a protective barrier to accelerate the acid secretion of the digestive tract and to promote the detoxification of alcohol. Alcohol detoxification. Taking Natto can quickly resolve the adverse effects of alcohol and prevent next-day drunkenness.



    The natto bacteria in Nattokinase can reach the intestinal tract, activating the beneficial intestinal bacteria, inhibiting the proliferation of bad bacteria and reducing carcinogens. It also discharges harmful substances, improves constipation and reduces the burden of liver decomposition.



    Studies have shown that nattokinase powder supplementation is effective in inhibiting the process of atherosclerosis. The study observed a significant reduction in intima-media thickness and carotid plaque in people who were supplemented with nattokinase for 26 weeks. The mechanism of this anti-atherosclerotic effect of nattokinase is not well understood. Early studies have shown that it is a combination of the multifaceted functions of nattokinase, which include antithrombotic, blood clotting, antioxidant (resistance to lipid peroxidation), and lipid-lowering.


    For Health Products:

    Nattokinase powder has a very good elimination of reactive oxygen species, free radicals, and their complementary, synergistic combined effect is very significant, very conducive to the recovery of pancreatic islet cells, Nattokinase's most notable function is to have the effect of dissolving blood clots, which has been used in the production of a variety of health products.

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